For a long time, money made me uncomfortable…

I felt I did not deserve it…

I felt it was greedy to want it…

I felt I should be willing to work for peanuts or even ‘better’, free…

And needless to say, I was not able to make money or keep money…

It seemed to flow away from me.

Yes, I looked as though I had it all together but I was drowning…

Unable to make money stay…

And so I struggled to pay bills…

There was always more month than money…


But not before going bankrupt, getting depressed and finally waking up to the fact that…

ABUNDANCE IS (and has always been) MY BIRTHRIGHT!

It is yours too…

But as long as you refuse to work on your mindset around money, then you will be broke…

Simple as.

You can have it all, simply because you want it all…

You can have it all, simply because you choose to do the work to get it all…


No hoops to jump through…

No rules to follow…

I mean, look at the rich of the world – There are christians, non-christians, men, women, some considered good, others considered bad, some considered wise, others considered silly, some dropped out of college, some stuck around and finished college…

There is nothing completely common about them EXCEPT…

They decided they wanted it and they therefore choose to do what it took to get it.

They were relentless in their desire to create wealth…

And the more blessed among them even managed to make money while doing ONLY what they loved to do and you know what?!

It all came down to a decision.

A decision to get comfortable with what may have made them uncomfortable at the start…

They got over their need to feel unworthy…  (Why would anyone want this and yet, many do!)

They stopped playing to the tune of anyone else’s drum…  (Why listen to other broke people?)

They simply decided they wanted to be rich and they got rich.  (Woohoo! )

You can make that same choice.


You want to stop struggling, looking for money while trying to pretend you are above money…

Then make a decision to do the work you are born to do…

To do it well…

And to price it right…

And bill people who want to avail themselves of what you have to offer!

Just do it…

There is nothing standing in your way!

God wants you to be rich…


Leader, to have the impact you want to have on this planet, you need to get over your internal resistance to creating wealth.

You simply limit yourself when you keep buying into the nonsense!

You are called to teach, inspire, speak, change lives, heal…

And it is okay to get paid for that…

I am sure some people could help you logicalise it all so that you feel better about making money but I simply cannot be bothered to do that because it simply comes down to you making the decision that you are no longer going to struggle for your gifts…

You are going to use them and ask people to pay you to avail themselves of it.


It is okay to want to!

It is not selfish…

In fact, I would say it is SELFISH and IRRESPONSIBLE of you not to allow people to invest in their own transformation

You belittle the work you do with and for them when you under charge…

So, leader, get the hell over yourself…

And get comfortable with making loads of money!

It just shows that you have served many people well…

And frankly, that is what you want to do anyway!

I see so many with gifts and talents keeping them hidden because they are so scared of making money!



The world awaits your awakening!

And as much as you want to live in a perfect world where you can just give everything away…

It is not this world… yet!

In THIS world, people appreciate what you have put a value on, a monetary value!

SO AGAIN, get the hell over yourself and serve people well!

Ask them to pay for what you have…

And then deliver, deliver, deliver

Get comfortable with money, honey!

It is only money, after all!

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live.

Because you want to!

PS – Join me for RElentless. Sexy. Sales – The 7 day bootcamp for you to make more money online being unapologetically yourself.

If you are an entrepreneur (Current or About to be) with a STRONG DESIRE To IMPACT MANY, GET RICH and BE HAPPY without all the fear, self-doubt and self-imposed obstacles, then work with me for 7 days to demolish any roadblocks in your self-worth, and unleash the full power of you onto the marketplace, attracting customers, clients from everywhere NOW!

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And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online