Nocturnal emission is a natural phenomenon commonly found among people of adolescence period. This natural release of semen during sleeping hours may happen with or without erection. It can be also described as a natural part of sexual development. Frequent nocturnal emission is one among the common conditions found among boys between age group from 12 to 18. Nocturnal emission can also be described as a primary sign of starting of puberty. As per research, it is found that there are multiple reasons contributing for the formation of erotic dreams and night emissions. Even though the man is not sexually active, there arises the need to ejaculate from time to time. It comes as a natural way to release sexual tension.

Formation of nocturnal emission decreases with increase in ejaculation. They occur as a result of stimulation from brain due to erotic dreams . Activation of erectile system of genital organ due to the stimulation caused by autonomic nervous system is mainly responsible for the occurrence of nocturnal emission.

Nocturnal emissions are mainly formed as a result of sensual dreams . So we can confirm that erotic dreams occur before the beginning of night emissions. Masturbation plays a great role in controlling the frequency of nocturnal emissions. Those who masturbate less possess a high rate of night emission during sleeping hours. Some people may experience vivid lustful dreams during their night sleep. It can eventually lead way to night emission with or without erection. Erotic dream occurring before night emission usually forms during rapid eye movement stage. Intense sexual memories constantly going through subconscious mind is a main cause for the formation of erotic dreams.

Erotic or romantic dreams can also occur during the time of nocturnal emission. You may or may not recall the dream. Several factors play leading roles in the formation of erotic dreams. Patients suffering from frequent nocturnal emission are advised to avoid reading magazines containing adult content. It is also advised to avoid watching sexy pictures and movies. Meditation is recommended as a good natural technique to reduce the risks of erotic dreams. It is a process by which a person can control his wavering mind. Regular doing of meditation can be described as a perfect medicine to have a better control on himself and his life. Other advantages of doing yoga exercise include relieving stress, improving blood circulation, strengthening immune system and preventing insomnia.

Following healthy lifestyle by staying away from sexual thoughts and activities is the best way to prevent the formation of sensual dreams. Time period of erotic dream varies from person to person. It can occur for a few seconds time period up to half an hour. Formation of erotic dreams depicts the emotional state of human mind. Before going to bed, take a good bath by using relaxing oils like chamomile, castor, olive and lavender. Scalp massaging by using sesame oil and curd produces a cooling effect on person and induce fast asleep. Doing these natural techniques provides you a restful sleep at night and reduces the risks of occurrence of erotic dreams leading way to nocturnal emissions.

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