Patients often ask whether they need surgical removal for chronic prostatitis to avoid recurrence. For patients with chronic nonbacterial prostatitis, whether they need a surgical intervention and the surgical intervention effects are still uncertain, so men should consider the actual condition carefully before a surgery.

Antibiotics, herbal therapies, physical therapies, and other treatments can cure or primary control most patients with chronic prostatitis. But if you are in one of the following cases, consider taking surgical treatment according to the doctor's suggestion.

(1) Intractable cases: after long-term and multiple medical treatments, the symptoms are not relieved but aggravated. The patient is very painful, which seriously affects his life, study, and work, and the patient completely loses confidence in medical treatment. Surgical treatment is feasible.

(2) Concomitant stones: when chronic prostatitis is accompanied by multiple prostatic stones, which seriously block the discharge of prostatic fluid, only surgical resection of the prostate can be performed.

(3) The disease's course is prolonged and repeated: severe chronic prostatitis, long period of the illness, ineffective treatment for many times, repeated attacks, the prostate becomes hard and small, may become cancerous so that it can be treated by surgery.

(4) Cause neuropsychiatric disorders: severe chronic prostatitis, resulting in neurasthenia and mental disorders of patients, because the patient has a compulsive concept that can not be cured by prostatectomy, it needs surgical resection.

(5) With bladder neck sclerosis: severe chronic prostatitis has not been cured for a long time, with bladder neck sclerosis, urethral crest hypertrophy, or complicated with abscess, surgical treatment is feasible.

For yourself and your family , don't be wayward. You don't have to operate if you want

Chronic prostatitis is harmful to the health of patients. And it isn't very easy to treat. There are many clinical treatment methods, and it is essential to choose the appropriate treatment method for patients. Herbal medicine treatment is a better choice, such as Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill . Besides, men should also pay attention to do an excellent job in nursing work in life. As long as patients choose the right treatment method, they can treat chronic prostatitis as soon as possible.

Of course, the current surgical methods are more and less traumatic, but the surgical treatment is only limited to the cases with inadequate treatment. The operation mode should be selected according to the patients' actual situation and the doctor's proficiency in the operation.

For patients with prostatic pain, the consensus is that the surgical treatment effect is not good. Therefore, surgical treatment is not the preferred treatment for prostatitis, and further research is needed to enrich the treatment of prostatitis.

Special case

In some people, prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia are not clear. Hyperplasia of the prostate is usually found in the elderly. Generally speaking, urine retention occurs after 50 years of age. Frequent urination of wet underwear and sheets is caused by frequent urination, urgency, and endless urine. Therefore, many people will choose surgical treatment. Although all prostate diseases, but the wind horse cattle are not the same, do not confuse.


The prostate position is hidden. Many people feel that this place is uncomfortable and embarrassing. Therefore, patients with prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia should pay attention to psychological adjustment, establish confidence in conquering diseases, maintain optimism, stabilize emotions, learn self-regulation and self decompression, and maintain a good life law.

Specifically speaking, it can cultivate various interests and hobbies, keep a happy mood, avoid mental tension or depression , fear, irritability, and other harmful emotions. Family members and medical staff should also often enlighten and encourage patients, create the right treatment and family atmosphere, care for patients from all aspects of life to promote the recovery of the disease.

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