If you are one of the millions of people suffering from hair loss, then you probably know just how frustrating it can be to get your hair back. Once hair loss sets in, it tends to get worse - unless you do something about it. Medically, hair loss is reversible and there are a number of technologies that are proven to be effective against baldness. For some people, especially women, these therapies and treatments are not as effective though. For them, the last resort is a hair transplant.

So, do you need a hair transplant? Well, the idea sounds really great. getting a full head of hair instantly is very tempting - especially to those who have been struggling with hair loss for a long time. Women are often in this category since the balding pattern for women is very different than for men. men tend to lose hair only at the top of the scalp while women tend to lose hair evenly over the scalp. If you are a women and you are going bald, your hair usually thins out gradually until there is very little left.

The bad news is that this balding pattern does not really help for a hair transplant. The idea behind the transplant is that hair is taken from one part of the scalp (or body) and transplanted to another. Needless to say that if your hair is thinning out all over then you probably won't have enough healthy hair to complete the transplant.

Transplant technology has come a long way in recent years. A lot of research is going into doing artificial implants and with microscopic surgery, hair follicles can now be transplanted individually to leave you with a very natural look. Hair transplants are not a sure bet. its a very complicated procedure and unless you have a fat wallet, opting for laser treatments is probably a better option.

Read more about female hair loss and see if you can need to opt for a female hair transplant .

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