Absorption & Bioavailability of Supplements:
Not all Supplements are made the same!! their absorption or Bioavailability range from 5% up to 90%. Use supplements that are Natural, standardized and most importantly Patented, Proven Clinically,Published, Predictable and Priced resonable.
We help many individuals at our clinics from Olympic Athletes to people who are suffering from acute or chronic conditions and anyone in between. Our clients receive natural recommendations on their: supplements, medications, blood test results, dietary recommendations, exercise programs and we have had over 90% success rate for many clients who have achieved total wellness within 3-6 months after following our natural recommendations. The results are well documented with blood test results, Biofeedback results as well as their doctor's report.
We recommend using Natural Supplements that are:
Proven Clinically
Published in Literature
Priced reasonable
We do not recommend synthetic supplements. Sublingual supplements under the tongue have the highest bioavailabilty of 95% in 30 seconds as compared to commercial hard pills which takes about one hour to absorb at only 5% [expensive urine].
Email me the supplements you are currently using and I will give you an advice.
Dr. George Grant, Ph.D., I.M.D.

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