As your pregnancy progresses you ought to help your body to be healthier by developing a healthy lifestyle. By so doing, you will increase your chances of having a complication-free pregnancy and as well, delivering a healthier baby.

Here are few things you can endeavor to do during pregnancy period to help improve your health.

Always go for a routine check-up: You are required not to miss any appointment with your doctor and don't forget that there's nothing stopping you from speaking to your health care provider in between appointments if you have a complain. Undergoing a screening for syphilis and other STD’s are very important, if detected and treated earlier can help reduce still birth and neonatal death . Expectant mothers with syphilis can pass it through placenta to their developing baby and for many unborn babies the effect can be death .

There are a number of other complications which may occur as a result of STD’s during pregnancy, they include early onset of labour or premature rupture of the uterine membranes surrounding the baby and this can cause uterine infection after delivery.

Eat a balanced diet : Women who start off their pregnancies with low level of nutrients are at a great disadvantage because pregnancy also increases nutrient requirements. Hence, now that you’re pregnant or you are trying to conceive, you should boost your immunity by eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and other foods high in protein, calcium such as oranges, milk, broccoli, black beans. Also lean meat, liver, lentils, spinach, pumpkin seed, peas and nuts for good sources of iron. Always take plenty of water.

It’s advisable you supplement your diet with vitamins and minerals such as folic acid, iron, vitamin D, C and calcium. Folic acid is very important, it helps decrease your chances of feeling dizzy, or experiencing morning sickness during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Taking folic acid can reduce also your risk of having a baby with birth defects in the spinal cord and brain, known as neural tube defects (NTDs). Folic acid can also be found naturally in citrus fruits, leafy vegetables, beans, almonds and nuts.

Managing your weight: If you are a little overweight, regular but non strenuous exercise may also help you to gain the normal weight, and you will have to cut down on foods high in fat and sugar. Being overweight can lead to increased tiredness, and your likelihood of having high blood pressure and diabetes during pregnancy.

Exercise regularly: Safe pregnancy exercise is very important and you can as well practice by taking a walk for about 10-15 minutes daily. This will help your body and mind function together as they should. Swimming is another form of exercise that could help you stay fit.

Practice relaxation : Staying fit during pregnancy is very important; relaxation is a natural stress reduction technique and should be a daily routine. Follow the best ways to manage stress and avoid its negative effects to pregnancy. Catch fun and laugh; laughter is one of the body’s best ways to release stress and feel good, watch funny movies with your partner or go to the cinema. Try to sleep and rest whenever possible during pregnancy, this will help you feel more energetic.

Also you should avoid these things:

Smoking: Best is to quit smoking before conception takes place and watch your exposure to second-hand smoke. Second-hand smoke from smokers around you can also affect your unborn baby and if you are smoking during pregnancy, your baby is at greater risk for being born prematurely. It can also increase the risk of pregnancy complications such as miscarriage, pre-term births, low birth weight and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Alcohol: During pregnancy, consumption of alcohol can cause your baby to have conditions that can create lifelong problem like Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) a combination of physical and mental defects, low birth weight, heart defects etc.

It is not advisable to take non-prescribed drugs: Some drugs can cause birth defects. Always ask your health care provider for the prescription of drugs suitable for the period of your pregnancy.

You should try to avoid infections: It's obvious, some infections can harm a developing baby. Always wash your hands well with soap and water after using the bathroom or toilet. Thoroughly wash all fruits and vegetables before consuming them, remember unsafe food such as fatty food, unpasteurized milk products, junk food, caffeine and too much salt intake are not safe for your pregnancy.

Author's Bio: 

Comfort Akaehie is passionate about personal growth and women's health issues concerning the miracles of pregnancy and childbirth. She studies and loves to share what she learns with others.