A root canal is a dental procure that involves the elimination of inflamed, infected, or necrotic tissue from the pulpal chamber and root canal system of teeth. The unhealthy tissue is removed through careful cleaning and disinfection and the root system is then filled with a biocompatible filling material. This seals the tooth and prevents any further ingress of bacteria from the oral environment.
For some people, hearing that one needs to have a root canal done is akin to having a death sentence read. However, this should not have to be the case. Root canals often get a bad rap, and here is why:
1. The need to have root canal therapy can often be prompted by a complaint of intense pain. The pain can sometimes be debilitating. When you are having pain, the last thing you want o to hear is that there is no instant solution. This leads to the second reason.
2. Root canals are a complex procedure, often requiring more than one visit to be completed (this is especially true for cases that require a crown). The fact that the dentist’s office does not generally rank high on a list of places people want to visit means that the prospect of multiple visits is especially daunting.
The truth is that invasive dental procedures require local anesthesia, which means that you will be numb before starting treatment. More than one (1) dose of anesthesia is often given to ensure that there will be no pain or discomfort. As such, a root canal does not have to be any more painful than routine dental procedures. In cases where there is an infection at the apices of the teeth (end of the roots), a patient may be prescribed antibiotics and painkillers to try and remove the infection before starting treatment. This is because infected teeth are much harder to anesthetize and going ahead with treatment may cause the patient undue additional pain and distress. There are also some cases where the pulp of the tooth may be very inflamed (as can be seen in some cases of Pulpitis) and in these cases, the patient may require additional doses of anesthetic via other sites to prevent pain. Between appointments, the root canals system is also dressed with a medicament to soothe the tooth.
In cases where teeth are vital, the tooth may feel sensitive after the procedure. However, this can usually be relieved using over-the-counter medication. If the gum around the tooth feels, this can be alleviated by doing warm saline rinses. Complaints of extreme pain or discomfort should be communicated to your dentist at once.
Get Relief from Dental Pain : Root Canals dentist in maple ridge
When a tooth abscesses (becomes infected) or is considered to be at risk of abscessing due to decay or another form of trauma, kanaka creek dental Centre will recommend root canal therapy (RCT). Unfortunately, the only other option at this point is extraction. When you have a painful tooth that requires attention, contact , kanaka creek dental Centre for root canal dentist maple ridge
In conclusion, many steps are taken by the dentist to provide a seamlessly pain-free root canal experience, so you need not be hesitant or afraid to have one done.