When most people think of DIY, they conjure up projects that are either crafty or perhaps an outlet for personal talents. Most people really don’t usually consider self-improvement as a DIY project. And realistically, that’s exactly what self-improvement is all about. When we look at situations within our lives and decide we would like to make improvements within some of these areas, we often look to many different sources.
With the popularity of internet searches there are literally thousands of choices to consider in relation to every area of our lives. There are options for relationships, parenting , finances, weight loss , health and wellbeing, automotive, improved efficiency at the office, motivating ourselves (members of our family or staff), and the list goes on and on. With each category of options available, there are many choices to consider, and usually a limited amount of time available to devote to researching all of the options available. Often we become overwhelmed and do nothing. In deciding to do nothing, usually results in the issue(s) that we would like to resolve, remain--unchanged.
What if there is a way to apply one approach and easily address all of the issues within our lives in a positive manner? In 1952, a man named Lester Levenson stumbled upon a laughing simple technique that allows everyone to look at the various areas of their lives and begin to easily improve and transform unwanted realities. Lester Levenson identified most people are looking for happiness where it isn’t. He noticed people look to family for a sense of belonging. They look within personal and professional relationships for fulfillment and often a sense of identity. People look to educators, careers, and communities to get a further sense of identity and purpose. He noticed folks look to professionals for a variety of services. All of these options are pointing out that we may be looking for happiness where it doesn’t really exist.
Lester identified that love and happiness exists within each of us within every moment. He discovered that external factors can be greatly enhanced when we positively change our focus. So by turning our attention inward, we are motivating ourselves to make appropriate changes for ourselves. We are offering ourselves a better opportunity of improving situations within our own lives.
Lester noticed when people look to get approval from others; they are avoiding giving approval to themselves. In choosing to look to others to determine or establish our self-purpose or what we should be doing with our lives, causes us to seek permission on what we can have or cannot have. Perhaps on some level we may hope that someone can tell us what to do so we have what we want. By improving our own level of self-confidence means we are willing to examine our thinking and begin correcting what we are holding in mind. Instead of looking to others to identify what we can have, do, or be, we can decide to proceed in a different manner. This includes a willingness to take responsibility for our own circumstances.
As Lester began examining his life in greater detail, he realized that by developing a positive attitude was the first and most essential way of having a fulfilling and successful life. His discoveries are simple and yet remarkable. As a physicist and engineer, he proved that by changing what he was holding in mind, allowed for things to become better than they previously existed. He noticed a world of possibilities becoming available that he had never before consciously experienced. As he continued to change what he was holding in mind, he noticed he was becoming more peaceful and areas of his life were becoming enjoyable and harmonious. By changing or refocusing what he was holding in mind, also resulted in improved health and financial fortitude.
During this period of introspection, he noticed at times when he was happy and loving, that he was in better health and enjoyed life in an easier manner. He observed that when he wasn’t looking to get something from others (recognition, affection, or monetary rewards, etc.) his life was also more peaceful and abundant. By accepting people as they were, meant he wasn’t trying to change or manipulate others in any way. In shifting his awareness, he noticed all areas of his life were transforming positively.
Lester proved without a doubt that anytime anyone focuses on having positive outcomes, that’s what they are creating. He discovered the law of attraction within himself, and was able to apply it in all areas of his life. So the saying, “Positive attracts positive, and negative attracts negative,” truthfully affects all of us and all of our activities. In order to have good health, enjoyable relationships, and abundant financial conditions (etc.), requires holding in mind that we can easily have, do, and be, whatever we would like to experience.
Prove to yourself that self-improvement is simply about making better decisions. Change your mind and your whole life changes. Challenge yourself to experience more joy, happiness and purely loving relationships. Lester Levenson proved to himself, “There are no impossibilities, if we aren’t holding onto limitations.” Why not decide that you can do this too!
Larry Crane has been teaching The Release® Technique to executives of Fortune 500 companies for years. He has personally trained businessmen, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, sales people, managers and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives. The Release Technique has been taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide. The Abundance Course IS the Release Technique, the original Release Technique Method as taught by Lester Levenson. http://www.releasetechnique.com