Your height acts like your trump card in every sphere of life and has great influence on your confidence, personality and physical artistry. Before you look for ways on how to be taller, it is important to learn about the factors that affect your growth and determine your height. Both genetic and environment factors are responsible for regulating one’s potential to grow tall. If both of your parents or any one of them is short, it's possible that you could be short too, but it is not certain.

Malnutrition, alcohol, and drugs, also retard one’s height which means you will not be able to grow to your full height if you continue to practice unhealthy habits . So what can be done to gain height naturally without any expensive surgical treatments or costly supplements? Let’s find out.

By giving your body the proper nourishment, you have the best chances of helping it grow. Our diet requirements change with our age and thus it is important to pay attention to what you eat and how much you eat to stay healthy and grow taller. In order to be taller it is important to consume plenty of calcium and get sufficient amounts of vitamin D to help your bones grow and remain strong.

Eating a protein rich diet stimulates the secretion of growth hormone inside our blood stream which is a vital ingredient for gaining height. A strong immune system also helps in proper growth as a child or an adult both. If you remain sick for most of the time, your body will not be able to grow properly and you may remain short in height.

One of the most effective ways of gaining height is stretching exercise. The cobra stretch, pelvic lift, rod hanging, table stretch, cat stretch, and jumping rope, are some of the useful exercises that help your spine muscles relax and loosen so it can grow smoothly. Also they make your structure more flexible and add bulk to your bones which is very much required for their growth.

Along with exercise rest is equally important, not only to keep your mind calm but also relaxing your muscles so that they grow to their maximum potential. One needs to be regular and patient with these methods to achieve great results. These methods are effective at any age and can be performed easily.

But before you head towards any height increase program, you must consult your physician for complete knowledge on how to be taller according to your condition. Also do not overdo any exercise as it may lead to back pain and other problems. Only a properly planned height increase program can give you the desired results and you will also be able to attain those couple of inches which you always wished for.

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Can I grow taller is the question many people have, and now that you know its possible for ANYONE to grow taller do you want to know the absolute easiest ways to do it? Click on the link above.