To many people, the realization that they are suffering from herpes means the beginning of unhappy times. Well, it’s true that nobody would delight in suffering from any disease. But must it close your mind and leave you helpless without anyone to date?

For sure it takes a lot of guts to disclose that you are suffering from herpes. Having the courage to explain the cause of blistered planted around your mouth or the genital area isn’t a pleasant task. However, herpes is manageable, and hence it isn’t an end to being in a relationship. In fact, you can still live happily and date others if you know how to handle your status. With the help of herpes dating website , you can find your soul mate.

Before dating anybody suffering from herpes, here are useful pieces of advice:

1. Get tested for the virus to confirm your fears First, if you are suspecting or showing the symptoms of the disease, it is wise to go for a confirmatory test. A blood test is ideal. It is feasible to have the virus and yet be unaware of it. The result of the test will steer the direction you should take with your relationship.

2. Have a heart to heart chat with your partner
After confirming your fears that you have the disease, break the news to your dating partner. As difficult as it may appear, talk to your friend about your status as soon as possible. Open up your heart on how you contracted the disease. It’s one of the boldest steps in herpes dating .

The sooner you go through the confession process, the better. Should you wait, you might find the two of you getting intimate. Or your mate could be infected and unknowingly spread it to others. A confession after that would be too late.

It doesn’t matter whether your spouse is exhibiting the symptoms or not; let him get tested too.

3. It's not only you that's having the disease, be brave and overcome the shame

Many people are living happy lives despite being herpes positive. When you visit herpes dating websites, you will get to know others in similar condition. It’s not an end to real love. The only stumbling block to your true happiness is not accepting your situation and moving on.

4. Visit herpes dating site and get your match To help you overcome the stigma visit any verified dating website for those living with the virus. From here you will get dating partner who is also herpes positive and therefore will accept you as you are. In fact, you will completely forget about your condition.

However when dating and your spouse is already infected, here is how you can cit down on the chances of re infection occurring:

• Let the victim take the suppression medication regularly
• Do not practice unprotected sex• Abstain from sex before during and after the cycle outbreak.
• Whenever the symptom of the virus show up, you must uphold personal hygiene

When you adhere to the above preventive procedures, the chances of infecting a new victim will be significantly reduced; to as low as 3%.

How to break the dreaded news of having the herpes virus?The instant you realize that you have the virus; you have to inform whoever you were dating or about to date. For sure it could be one of the most difficult messages to deliver.

To help make the message less demanding to pronounce, here are few useful tips:

Rehearse by first breaking the news to your family members
In the beginning, it will be difficult. But the more you talk about it with your friends and relatives the easier it will get. Alternatively, you can assume an imaginary audience and go ahead with the confession. The trick is talking about your condition. That will give you the courage to face your loved one.

A quiet environment would be the best

The setting for where to carry out the conversation must be a quiet one. It would then be easier to look into each other and absorb the message with less distraction. Why not speak it out as you make an evening jog? Take your time to map it out correctly; because it’s about channeling a weighty issue to your closest friend.

You don’t have to wait until you attend many dates. Disclosing your herpes condition is best before your partner invests heavily emotionally into the affair. While holding her hands and looking squarely into the eyes, tell her the news.

Give them time to absorb the news

She might get upset or emotionally disturbed, but give her time to internalize the dreaded news. When she shoots more questions, answer her calmly with confidence.

The success of herpes dating is pegged on your acceptance and finding a close partner. With those two conditions satisfied, you can have a happy relationship after that.

Author's Bio: 

Herpes 101 is a site to help you understand what is herpes, symptoms of herpes, dating with herpes and how to treat herpes.