Many people think fear is a normal and acceptable part of life. I've even heard some people say, "There's nothing wrong with having just a little fear." Nothing could be further from the truth. Fear is anything but normal. From a natural perspective, fear is associated with simply being afraid. But spiritually speaking, fear is actually twisted faith . It is having faith in the devil and what he can do, rather than having faith in God and His Word.
Fear isn't just a feeling, it's a force. The Word of God defines fear as a spirit that doesn't come from God (2 Timothy 1:7). To live in fear sets you up for disaster because just like faith will connect you to the promises of God, fear will connect you to the things you fear. When you operate from a position of fear, you actually position yourself to receive the very things you are afraid of.
In examining fear and its impact on your life, it is important to consider words and their creative power. Words are spiritual containers that carry either faith or fear. Words of faith are encouraging, hopeful and in line with the Word of God. On the other hand, words of fear are full of doubt, unbelief, dread and despair. Fear-filled words go against what God has said in His Word and will cancel out the good things that He has planned for your life.
It is critical that you align your words with the Word if you want to override the spirit of fear when it tries to attack you. Faith-filled words empower God to move on your behalf.
Fear is designed to stop you from experiencing all that God has promised you in His Word, but the good news is that He has already delivered you from it. If you are in relationship with God, you don't have to be ruled by any type of fear.
Hebrews 2:14, 15 says, "Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death , that is, the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage." Fear is the primary tool Satan uses to destroy people's lives. But the ability of the enemy has been annihilated by Jesus Christ. You are no longer subject to fear.
There is a way to flush fear out of your life if you find yourself struggling with it. The key is walking in the love of God and allowing His love to mature in your life. First John 4:18 says, "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." Every time you walk in love toward others (1 Corinthians 13) and maintain a consciousness of God's love for you, you kick fear out.
Once you get the fear out of your life, your faith "receiver" will be free and clear of all interference. You will then be able to believe God for His promises without hindrances. Allowing the love of God to rise in you will support your faith and position you to receive the blessings of God-healing, deliverance, safety, provision and financial increase.
In the midst of life's trials, refuse fear. I don't care what is going on around you. Resist fear with everything in you. Confess the Word of God over your situation until you begin to see things change. Stand firm on the Scriptures which will help to build your faith. Begin to praise God for what He has already done for you. Have confidence in God and His Word and don't let fear contaminate your faith.

Author's Bio: 

Creflo Dollar is the founder and senior pastor of World Changers Church International (WCCI) in College Park, Georgia, which serves nearly 30,000 members; World Changers Church-New York, which hosts over 6,000 worshippers each week; and a host of satellite churches, located in Los Angeles, California; Indianapolis, Indiana; Washington, D.C.; Cincinnati, Ohio; Cleveland, Ohio; Dallas and Houston, Texas; and Carrollton, Norcross, Macon, and Marietta, Georgia. As mandated by God, Creflo Dollar’s goal is to establish 500 satellite churches around the world. With 30 years in ministry, Creflo Dollar is committed to bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to people all over the world, literally changing the world one person at a time.