Are you feeling a bit jealous when you see your colleagues succeeding in business? Have you been wondering what it takes to get to their level?

I know that a lot of people seem to think it is complicated to create a successful business. Well, actually, it’s not! It’s quite simple, really. I want to share a few ideas with you – ideas that have helped me to be on track for a multiple 6-figure business this year.

Public speaking is one of the best ways to grow your business – I don’t care what industry you’re in. You want to show confidence, when public speaking, from start to finish. It takes meaningful, relevant, sustainable content – along with showing confidence through your body language . You want to be certain to present your ideas with lots of energy and passion so that people get excited about the possibilities in store for them. How do you do this? Get out there and start talking.

One of the other secrets to success is to know your market – it is critical to price your products and services appropriately. This is the one area where I see many women entrepreneurs fail! It is a combination of lack of self-esteem and a sense of self-worth through to the fact ‘you don’t know what you don’t know’ about pricing! I didn’t have a clue, quite frankly, until I made the investment to work with a high-level marketing coach. It was at that time, and in that relationship, that I learned so much of ‘how’ to do this. It is such a pleasure for me to work with my clients and see the light bulb come on when we explore the different options available – not only with the pricing, but with the creation of multiple streams of revenue.

You want to project a professional image to your community. As far as I’m concerned, this topic does not get addressed enough when it comes to having a successful business. If you are serious about becoming a wealthy woman leader, then you must look, act, speak and project yourself in this way. Find role models. Hire an image consultant. Do whatever it takes. Are you going to meetings looking like you just got out of bed? (I’ve seen it!) When you work from your home office, have you fallen into the trap that it’s convenient to dress in sweats? Come on – get serious! When you look good, you feel good – and when you feel good, you do good. Dress for success.

You not only want to project a certain image to your local community, but it’s also important to ‘be that wealthy woman leader’ when it comes to your on-line presence. Most of you are aware, by now, that I have recently re-branded to the Wealthy Woman Leader image. I am constantly up-leveling and growing my business and therefore, my professional image needs to reflect same. Our company image, locally and on-line, reflect this in every way. What about you? What needs to change? Take a very good look at your business and at your image from the eyes of a new prospect – what do you see? What do you want to see?

Prospects love to see positive client feedback – so make it available. In working with my clients, I realize that one of the reasons they have not been sharing positive client feedback is because they haven’t asked their clients for it. You want to create a successful business – then share the success stories of the people with whom you have worked. Pretty simple – yet, I know many potential wealthy women leaders hold themselves back from asking because of mindset issues again. In working with my clients, we have created a simple template, and an ‘ask’ script that makes this very simple.

So, if you are feeling somewhat jealous about the success of others around you, take some of these simple ideas and implement them today. You, too, will begin to experience progress, build your confidence, and watch that bank account grow – and be the successful business owner that you have just dreamed of being. It’s all in your hands! Make it happen today.

Author's Bio: 

Pat Mussieux is fast becoming regarded as one of the voices for women's entrepreneurial success. After leaving her 22-year marriage with virtually nothing, and moving across the country at age 55 to start a new life, she re-launched her coaching and speaking business - taking it from zero and growing it into a multiple 6-figure home-based business. Much of her success can be attributed to her expertise when it comes to marketing, mindset and money!
Pat has been featured as an expert in both print media and on TV. She was nominated as one of the 2010 and 2011 RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneurs of the Year; as well, Pat has been nominated for the Chatelaine magazine “Woman of the Year for 2011”. Pat is Founder of Wealthy Women Leaders, and provides business and success advice and resources to clients around the world.
Pat is the author of "The 7-Step Guide To Growing Your Business by Getting Out of Your Own Way ", teaching women entrepreneurs how to get their message out, close the sale, enjoy massive results, and create some simple systems and processes for success!
Through her coaching programs and products, Pat teaches her clients how to experience freedom inside and out and create the life they truly want to live, now! It's a 'no-excuses' approach! You can reach her at