Did you know that the kitchen in any home is the number one used room? It is also the number one seller for any home. Without a modern kitchen, you home will not have the value and use that is required to survive. As kitchen designs change and appliance increase on efficiency, the kitchen you your home will need to be updated also. A "modern" kitchen doesn't only mean you need cost efficient appliances, but having the floors, countertops, cupboards, lighting, and even deep fryer spaces updated is also a requirement.
To start making your kitchen a modern kitchen, begin with the flooring. Linoleum is a thing of the past and tile or hardwood floors are the in. Tile is the number one source used for kitchen floors and tile can be easily cleaned by yourself (given proper tools) or with a professional. Tile has become so popular that you can choose from any shape, color and finish that will fit your modern kitchen and your modern taste. With such a variety, the price of tile can have a relativity inexpensive cost that many homeowners can afford.
Walk through some tile stores or your local hardwood store to see what types and styles are available to you. Tile that looks like a natural stone was rated the most popular in the year 2009. While it may look like natural stone, the surface of the tile will be slightly rough to add the added textures of natural stone.
Along with the natural stone finish, the varieties of colors you can choose from are endless. Once you have chosen the tile that will fit your home, find a grout that will stand out against the tile once laid. Also make the decision if you want to lay the tile yourself or hire a professional. While laying tile is pretty basic, having a professional lay and finish your tile can add to your modern kitchen. Professional tile layers know how to add different patters into the floor as the tile is being laid and will guarantee their work once it is completed.
The countertops that your kitchen has will become the focal point that your guests will see. Even when you invite family and friends over for the holidays or a gathering to dine in the dining room, most of the time they are there is spent in the kitchen. Countertops are used to prepare your food, snacks, do homework, play games and have a cup of coffee. You can even go for a much more sophisticated designs where in built dishwasher can be accommodated. The modern countertops you can choose from are concrete, marble, granite and travertine. Each piece of stone is a great addition to your home and your kitchen.
The cupboards that you have in your home need to not only have a rich look, but be user friendly to you are your family . Many modern kitchens will have some cupboards that have glass fronts that allow you to see into them; along with the glass front, there is lighting installed to add the piece of stemware you have on display. New cupboards and drawers have been designed with a no slam system. When you shut either one of these, the door or drawer will slow down before it shuts, giving off a soft sounds as it closes.
Creating your modern kitchen will improve your home. Choose rich colors and rich home décor that make your kitchen warm and welcome. Whether you install a warm mahogany wood floor and a green spa wall with white trim, make your kitchen modern with the little things. Black and stainless steel appliances with a black granite countertops and high back barstools will warm up your kitchen instantly.Find your style and your modern kitchen come together as your create a masterpiece.
Kendrick Moss has written frequently on pregnancy and parenting issues, and is a mom of three (including one set of twins). She is an open-minded free spirit, always ready for new adventures. Faith, family and finances are the core of her value system.