Do you always close your mouth when someone takes your photo? If you’re embarrassed about your smile, you may be wondering if cosmetic dentistry can restore your teeth and your confidence. Cosmetic dentistry can turn the most unaesthetic smiles into a mouthful of perfect teeth, but it isn’t right for everyone. Read on to find out if you might be a good candidate.

Your Teeth Are Healthy

Before any cosmetic dental work can begin, your teeth and gums must be in good health. Any problems like cavities, abscesses, or gum disease must be taken care of before undergoing cosmetic treatments. This is especially important for procedures that can exacerbate existing tooth decay, including orthodontia, whitening, and re-shaping. Performing cosmetic work on diseased or decayed teeth can result in unnecessary additional treatments and tooth loss.

Your Teeth Are Discolored

Tooth whitening is one of the safest and most popular cosmetic dental procedures. If you have tried to brighten your smile using whitening toothpastes and strips without success, a professional whitening treatment may be able to remove those stubborn stains once and for all. If old metal fillings or crowns are detracting from your pearly whites, you can have them replaced with nearly-invisible composite fillings or porcelain crowns.

Your Teeth Have Extra Space

Whether caused by spacing issues or missing teeth, you don’t have to live with gaps in your smile. Bonding or veneers can fill gaps and give you straight teeth in just one or two office visits without the discomfort that often accompanies orthodontic treatment. From permanent implants to bridges and partials, cosmetic dentistry also offers many options to replace missing teeth. In many cases, teeth can even be replaced if they have been missing for years.

You Are Committed to Caring for Your Teeth

Teeth that have received cosmetic treatment often need special care. For example, bridges can be difficult to clean and require special tools for daily care. Some treatments, such as veneers and re-shaping, leave teeth more vulnerable to decay, which means that regular check-ups and cleanings are a must. If you are unwilling to put in the work to maintain your new smile, you could be left worse off than you were before.

If any of the above criteria apply to you, it’s time to call a reputable cosmetic dentist and learn about your treatment options. Starting your journey toward your new smile today will have you flashing those teeth for the camera in no time.

Author's Bio: 

Emma is a freelance writer based out of Boston, MA. She writes most often on health and education. When not writing, she enjoys reading and watching film noir. Say hi on Twitter @EmmaSturgis2