Corporate fundraising has become a more and more popular way of raising money for charity these days. Corporate fundraising can be vital to the life of a charity , as large amounts of money can come from corporations.

Corporate institutions are working to generate money, and often have some which they are willing to pour into philanthropic efforts. The benefits of doing so are twofold. The company will earn themselves a stellar reputation as charitable and caring, while at the same time a huge difference can be made in the lives of those who are at the receiving end of the corporate fundraising initiatives.

Many companies decide to associate themselves with a charity which they will then work to fundraise for, and make donations to for a long period of time. This is why it is important for charities to make sure they associate themselves with a business by asking them for support. This can be done through writing letters and putting forward the case for them supporting the cause.

Corporate fundraising can take many shapes and forms. Once a company is on board to support a charity, there are many ways of raising money. Some companies donate to their affiliate charities simply by putting a percentage of their profits into that organization. For example, a shop may say that the money made from a particular product sold will in part go towards the charity in question.

Corporate fundraising can also be done by bringing together a workforce and encouraging them to do an event or give donations. Gala dinners or raffles can be a viable way, as in offices there are usually hundreds of people who will be willing to donate a little bit, especially if they feel that they get something out of it, such as a small raffle prize.

Corporate fundraising is a proven successful method of fundraising, giving your charitable organisation more weight to its name, and generating awareness.

Not only is having a large company name attached to your charity of huge benefit, but the simple effects of word of mouth. When you engage in corporate fundraising, everybody in that corporation will know of your charity and be able to pass on the message. This creates a trickle effect whereby the word will get out about your cause.

Corporate fundraising includes more people in the very noble project of raising money for worthy causes, making it a great venture.

Author's Bio: 

FLIP Project is involved in corporate fundraising. It also provides leadership skills training to youngsters in Gibraltar, as a part of strategic philanthropy. Visit for more information.