The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, known as OSHA, sets workplace safety rules at the federal level. Their rules are followed by every business owner who wants to remain licensed and practicing. Following these rules is not always possible for you or your employees. Here are a few tips to make sure that your business remains compliant to OSHA rules.

Reporting and Recordkeeping The first stage of compliance is the proper management of information. After a workplace injury happens, you cannot ignore the problem and let it go unreported. The OSHA states that you must report all major work-related accidents that occur if you have more than 10 workers. These records are important to use in case of legal proceedings or business audits.

Random Audits Tell your employees that random safety audits are underway. They will not be warned in advance and will be expected to know the current safety rules. The workers must be genuinely interested in following the rules without being advised.

First Aid Procedures
Many employers must hire employees who know basic first aid procedures like CPR or wound disinfection. A business must have a basic first aid kit to be OSHA compliant, according to NorMed . A typical kit contains bandages, antiseptics and over-the-counter medications that are all useful during an emergency. It’s needed by both indoor and outdoor workers for whenever they receive minor injuries.

Exit Routes Most businesses are required to have a certain number of safe exit routes. To comply, your business cannot have only one exit route for each large section of a building. You cannot keep the doors locked or block access either. Additionally, some businesses are required to make emergency evacuation plans, but it’s recommended for all.

Posters Place a large poster of OSHA rules on a wall that is seen by all employees. Make it a top ten list of the most important rules to follow. Include a warning that those who don’t follow the rules will face fines, strikes and possible termination.

OSHA rules do not just apply to firefighters and construction workers. People who run restaurants must be just as compliant as those who work in accounting offices. No matter what type of business you have, you are not free of audits and inspections. Learn the main steps to be compliant at all times and maintain the safety of your business.

Author's Bio: 

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. She went to college at The Ohio State University where she studied communications. In her free time, she enjoys the outdoors and long walks in the park with her 3-year-old husky Snowball.