Co-enzyme Q10: Miracle Nutrient of the New Millennium
Arthur M. Echana, MD, ND, MACNEM (Member of Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine)

What is Co-enzyme Q10?CoQ10 (Ubidecaronene, Ubiquinone, Ubiquinone-50) is a vitamin-like substance (quinines) that is in every cell of the human body. It is necessary in energy production in the 70-100 trillion body cells. It helps the enzyme system I the powerhouse of the cell (mitochondria) to release non-toxic, efficient energy.

Thinking of these cells as tiny engines, CoQ10 provides the ‘spark’ that initiates the energy generating process within cellular mitochondria. CoQ10 and only CoQ10 can serve as this vital ‘spark’ in the human bio-energy system. Without CoQ10 then, no energy can be produced by mitochondria. Hence, life won’t exist.

1. Have Studies Been Done With CoQ10?For a brief history, in 1957, CoQ10 was discovered in the U.S by Dr Frederick Crane and his co-workers at the University of Wisconsin. A year later, its chemical structure was reported by Dr Karl Folkers and his group at Merck Laboratories. Since then, Dr Folkers has continued to this pioneering research on CoQ10. In 1961, Dr Peter D Mitchell of the University of Edinburgh released his hypothesis on how CoQ10 works. For his significant contribution, he was awarded the 1978 Nobel Prize for chemistry.

Although discovered in the U.S., the Japanese were the ones who considerable interest in subsequent CoQ10 research. From 1963, Japanese scientists and medical doctors have done numerous scientific studies on this remarkable healing nutrient. No wonder then that Japan is the best source of A-1 grade CoQ10.

2. What are the health benefits of CoQ10?This is a brief summary of the possible uses of CoQ10 based on the scientific studies;

1. Aging & life Extension
a) Retards the aging process, functions as an antioxidant and has life extension potential
2. Cardiovascular System
a) Stabilizes heart beat in arrhythmic patients, prevents atherosclerosis, prevents the oxidation of LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol
b) Normalizes blood pressure in hypertension, vastly improves the condition of persons with cardiomyopathy and assists the heart to function normally in the presence of blood clots.
c) Improves the hearts ability to survive and produce energy in hypoxic (low oxygen) situations e.g. high altitudes, clogged arteries, blood clots, high fat blood level, angina.
d) Reduces the viscosity of blood in persons with ischaemic heart disease .
e) CoQ10 deficiency is observed in cardiovascular patients.
f) 91% of heart attack victims improve within 30 days from initial attack with CoQ10!

CELLS:a) CoQ10 is found in almost every cell of the body.

a) Alleviates peptic ulcer, protects the lining of the stomach and facilitates the elimination of Candida Albicans.
b) Concentrates in the pancreas.

EXCRETORY SYSTEM:a) CoQ10 concentrates in the kidneys

a) Increases the life expectancy of patients with cancer of the breast, lung larynx, pancreas and prostate.
b) Doubles the body’s immune function and protective levels of antibodies
c) Increases the body’s resistance to viruses, alleviates allergies and asthma.
d) HIV positive persons with low CoQ10 levels progress more rapidly to full blown AIDS than those with optimal CoQ10 levels.

a) Improves athletic performance by increasing the body’s production of energy via Adenosine Tri-phosphate (ATP), involved in the conversion of carbohydrates into energy both in sedentary and athletic persons.
b) Part of the electron transport system, increases stamina and alleviates the impaired aerobic function that is associated with fatigue.
c) Increases oxygen supply to the mitochondria and prevents accumulation of excess ketones (ketosis) Lay term; it helps the body use the correct energy source (fat) and helps prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue
d) Prevents the Low Density Lipoprotein perioxidation by free radicals lay term Lipid peroxidation refers to the oxidative degradation of lipids. It is the process whereby free radicals "steal" electrons from the lipids in cell membranes, resulting in cell damage.
e) Alleviates diabetes mellitus. Many of the complications of diabetes are exacerbated in CoQ10 deficiency.
f) Concentrates in the liver.

a) Dramatically halts the progression of periodontal disease (e.g. gingivitis) and can totally heal the damage already done b including the regrowth of previously atrophied tissue.
b) Counteracts the immune system tissue degradation that occurs in gingivitis.
c) Concentrates in and is involved in the movement of muscles. Supplementary CoQ10 reduces the extent of damage caused to the muscles by intensive exercise and athletic performance.
d) Alleviates muscular dystrophy. Muscular dystrophy patients are usually deficient in CoQ10

a) Helps prevent nerve damage that leads to Parkinson’s and Alzheimers.
b) Alleviates multiple sclerosis and schizophrenia
Co-enzyme Q10 Enhances the function of these substances
a) Hormones: CoQ10 facilitates insulin production by the pancreas
b) Immune System Chemicals: CoQ10 significantly increases the body’s production of IgG antibodies
c) Kreb Cycle Chemicals: CoQ10 facilitates mitochondrial ATP Production
d) Cancer Therapy Drugs: CoQ10 Improves the effectiveness of beta blockers, reduces the toxic side effects of Doxorubicin and increases the potency of Doxorubicin in its ability to kill cancer by 200%
e) Vitamins: CoQ10 helps regenerate Vitamin E

3. If CoQ10 is so vital to life, how come it is not a “household name” yet?

When Dr Folkers gave his acceptance speech in 1987 after receiving the prestigious Priestly Medal of the American Chemistry Society for his research on CoQ10 and other nutrients, he made a comment that although CoQ10 works and is safe, the reason behind its obscurity is promotional marketing in nature. In short, being considered as a food supplement and therefore non-patentable, not many pharmaceutical companies were interested in the commercial distribution of this wonderful nutrient.

4. Are medical doctors aware that such a supplement (CoQ10) with enormous potential health benefits exists?

Sad to say even medical doctors are not familiar with CoQ10. According to Dr Peter Langsjoen, M.D., “The answer to this question is found in the fields of politics and marketing and not in the fields of science or medicine. The controversy surrounding CoQ10 likewise is political and economic, as the previous 30 years of research on CoQ10 have been remarkably consistent and free of controversy.Although it is not a first time a fundamental and clinically important discovery has come about without the backing of a pharmaceutical company, it is the first such discovery to so radically alter the way physicians must view disease. While the pharmaceutical industry does a good job at physician education on their new products, the distributors of CoQ10 are not as effective at this.

5. Are all CoQ10 the same?

Unfortunately not. With the vast scientific experience of the Japanese in CoQ10, a good source of pharmaceutical grade CoQ10 is from Japan. Worldwide, there are only a few companies that can manufacture A-1 grade CoQ10. The purity of the raw material is an important consideration as far as quality is concerned.Properly sourced CoQ10 (Japan) and an efficient delivery system like Phosphates (which increases its absorbing ability many times in comparison to oil-based CoQ10) are the keys to a superior quality finished product. According to a newsletter released by Vitamin Research Products, Inc. of USA, if a product (CoQ10) is being sold at a price that seems to good to be true, it probably is.”

6. What is special about CoQ10 from Japan?

There are basically two types of CoQ10 according to source. The more common form is the synthetic type. The other type is natural CoQ10, derived from fermented algae. While the chemical configuration of CoQ10 is similar, the effects are not. Why So?
Yeast-algae-derived natural CoQ10 has more hydrogen proton power (from the sun) making it capable of carrying more negative electrons. These extra electrons are available to be donated to unstable oxygen molecules known as oxidants or free radicals. Potential free radical damage is neutralized by these extra electrons and cellular integrity is preserved, as a consequence there can be slowing down of the aging process.
The best way to test the effectiveness of CoQ10 is through performance. After all, it is efficient cellular energy production resulting in less free radical or oxidants produced that will prevent potential cellular oxidation stress and free radical damage. And this non toxic, efficient energy production may become evident during ergometry. A person’s performance in ergometric testing when subjected to a programmed exercise or physical stress can give us a clue as to mitochondrial function or dysfunction, which of course is related to CoQ10 sufficiently or deficiency.

7. Who should take CoQ10 and what is the right dose?

Considering the dual role of CoQ10 a an energy carrier and a antioxidant, and with numerous environmentally derived oxidants (free radicals) that deplete our antioxidant reserves, every adult and those with specific health problems mentioned above should think of CoQ10 supplementation.Being fat soluble, it is poorly absorbed in the gut, so it should be taken with or after meals! For preventative measures, the usual dose is 10-30milligrams (mg) per day. To correct CoQ10 deficiency, experts suggest from 60-200 milligrams (mg) daily. As absorption rates differs from one person to another, finding the right dose is a challenge. The normal blood (serum) CoQ10 is 0.32-0.88 micrograms per milliliter.

8. Is CoQ10 safe?

Purified CoQ10 is a very safe dietary supplement . The only reported side effects after taking a mega-dose of CoQ10 are gut related, like nausea. It takes several weeks of regular daily intake before health benefits may be observed. Drug interactions are minimal if any.

Maximum Energy EfficiencyCo –enzyme Q10 promotes maximum energy within cell mitochondria. The quality of naturally fermented Co-enzymeQ10 can be measured by the energy value of the negative charge within the hydrogen atoms of Co-EnzymeQ10. If your mitochondria are working efficiently, the cells tends to work efficiently, then the organ/muscle that the cell is residing in I tends to work efficiently – the flow o n effect is good health!

The Shuttle of life –ADP Adenosine Di-Phosphate, ATP Adenosine Tri-Phosphate

How it works
Phosphate atoms shuttle hydrogen atoms backwards or forwards on demand within the miniscule turbo gap located in the mitochondrial inner membrane walls and with the help of oxygen produce a balanced positive-negative charge to power the mitochondria
This is our LIFE FORCE!

In today’s market it is common to see many companies selling products for discounted prices. It is the job of the consumer to question the quality of the product. For example, when buying Co-Q10 it is important to look at the dose of Co-Q10 per capsule you are receiving.The price of one Co-Q10 may be cheaper than the other due to containing less Co-Q10 per capsule and/or being made out of synthetic Co-Q10, which is cheaper to manufacture than the naturally fermented version, which is praised by health care professionals as “the most effective” and “the highest quality source” of Co-Q10
Synthetic or semi-synthetic derived Co-Q10 is commonly produced by either chemical extraction from tobacco leaves or laboratory mixed vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The naturally fermented version is an algae-derived version that allows the suns’ power to increase the hydrogen atoms in the molecular structure of the Co-Q10.

Reviewing the Scientific Facts
1. Co-Q10 is a vital component in the production of energy and has a major role in free radical control.
2. Our bodies do not produce enough Co-Q10.
3. We cannot get enough Co-Q10 from our food.
4. Leading to an ever increasing decline in Co-Q10 levels in our system.
5. Co-Q10 is located in areas of high physiological activity.

If Co-Q10 is needed for the production of energy and this energy is vital for our major organs to function we believe that it could be concluded that as Co-Q10 levels decline so to does the function of that organ. If the function of the organ is in decline our health would also be in decline. This relates to the majority of the information and studies conducted on Co-Q10 that indicate that the deficiency of Co-Q10 is found to be part of the majority of major illness.

Co-Q10 can assist us in slowing the process of aging , preventing a breakdown of our major organs which can lead to major illness, it also is required to keep our energy levels.
Further Research of Co-Q10

The Omnivore (Static/ Co-Q10) http://www.theomnivore.com/statin_pagehtml

The International Q10 Association http://www.drugintel.com/drugs/statins/international_coenzyme_q10_assoc.htm

The Linus Pauling Institute http://www.lpi.oreganstate.edu/infocenter/othernuts/coq10/

Nutrient Stew Co-Q10 Studies (Chronic Fatigue etc.) http://www.chfpatients.com/stew/coq10.htm

Important Information about Co-Q10 http://www.home.tampabay.rr.com/lymecfs/coq10.htm

A Review of Essential Functions and Clinical Trials http://www.healingedge.net/briefs_coQ10.html

Co-enzyme Q10 –Wonder Wonder Nutrient http://www.yourhealthbase.com/coenzyme_Q10.htm

National Institute of Cancer http://www.nci.nih.gov/cancertopics/pdq/cam/coenzymeQ10/healthprofessional

Co-Q10 Share the Wealth http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/chris/2003/08/13/coenzyme_q10.htm

The Miracle Nutrient Co-Q10
By Emile G. Bliznakov, M.D. & Gerald L. Hunt.

This revolutionary scientific breakthrough that can strengthen the heart, boost the immune system and extend life naturally
The Coenzyme Q10 Phenonon
By Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D. F.A.C.C

The breaking nutrient that helps combat heart disease , cancer, aging and more…Coenzyme Q10 Nature’s Heart Energizer.
By Ray Sahelian, M.D.

“Keep on keepin ON Loving Life and Living in good health”

Author's Bio: 

I am a health and fitness professional and have been since July 2008. I'm excited and goal driven toward a better lifestyle through education and training, basically all the studies of the human anatomy. I love my job and am always researching and finding better ways to improve the lives of those I come in contact with and work with everyday.