E = MC2

Our emotion is equal to our thoughts which are within our power to change.

The mind is the control centre of change and we are the embodiment of energy which gives us life and this energy is our life force. In the study of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), this life force is known as Qi and the way it flows within our body is influenced by our mind and likewise, our mind is also affected by it.

Since emotion is a form of energy, we can change our energy by the way we think and our thoughts lead the way for Qi to flow. In other words, where the mind goes, Qi follows.

If we are negative minded, it creates roadblocks that impede the flow of Qi and hold us back from taking action. By channeling our thoughts in a positive way, we unblock the flow of Qi so that our actions can produce positive result. This is because our mind is the control centre of Qi and by changing our pattern of thought, we are breaking down the unconscious barrier that forms our habits. Qi is transformative and the action we take represents such transformation . Our actions likewise become our habits which in turn become the driver of our behaviour. Over the long-term, our character is the result of our behaviour. Each step of the transformation from our thoughts to our character makes way for our Qi to flow in transit. Along the way, we can change our emotion by changing our thought or how we think.

In short, the fastest way to change our thoughts is to control our mind consciously. When we control our mind consciously, Qi follows our thoughts. In other words, the fastest way to change our emotion is to change our thoughts. This is reflected in the Einstein equation E = MC2 in which energy equals to mass multiplied by the speed of light to the power of two. Likewise, we have the conscious power to change our thoughts (M) in order to change our emotional (E) response to a situation. The other factor "C" in the equation stands for "change".

How does this equation ties in with Chinese Astrology ?

There is a branch of study within Chinese Astrology known as The Four Pillars of Destiny. It shines the light on a person's character and how it leads the way to his or her destiny. By analysing the four pillars based on a person's birth chart which is derived from his or her birth date, a master can tell the character, the ability, the potential and the future of the individual. The analysis covers all aspects of life which include areas such as career, wealth, health and relationship. These are important factors that fall under the scope of destiny and by knowing who you truly are, you can go with the flow or change the flow of energy in your favour. This is where the formula E = MC2 comes into play. Based on the Four Pillars of Destiny (Ba Zi), the energy within you is represented by the stems and branches within the pillars and they define who you truly are, both consciously and subconsciously.

We are born on a given date which we cannot choose and we do not get to choose our family . This is our fate. Our life force comes into being based on the alignment of the stars and planets during our birth and it is governed by universal energy. And through this universal energy, we can make positive changes in our lives by tapping into our mind which controls our destiny. To put it simply, we have the power to change for the better.

For a personalized reading of your birth chart based on the Four Pillars of Destiny or purchase my latest book "Mind Your Qi, Find Your Luck", please visit my website at www.bazidestiny.yolasite.com

Author's Bio: 

My name is Alvin. I write articles and books pertaining to Chinese Metaphysics which include Feng Shui and The Four Pillars of Destiny (Ba Zi). I give personal consultation to my clients to help them overcome challenges in their lives and to find success and happiness.