Cyberhealing - The future Is Here

Have you ever been ill and wanted to heal in the

comfort of your own home? Now there are Remedies

Created from World and Universe Energy that Heal

in miraculous ways and with NO SIDE EFFECTS.

Energy medicine is very old - at least as old as the

first Reiki masters and other ancient practitioners

of therapies. The healers all had in common the

ability to emit energy through their hands.

Cyndi's Energy Remedies has the ability to emit

Energy through webpages+. Contemporary

researchers have now proved, via electronic

detection equipment, a rise in air temperature

near masters palms.

We all need shifts in our energy every now and

then to Resolve current or Prevent future illness~

Energy has positive effects on human fibroblasts,

the cells that rebuild connective tissue. There is

also a significant increase in healthy cell growth,

DNA synthesis and protein synthesis in cells

exposed to healing energy.

Everything in the world and universe emits and

absorbs energy. Humans have evolved to have a

unique absorption spectrum and respond specifically

to Cyndi's Energy Remedies.

Energy is transmitted to the brain by nerve endings

in the skin. These energy impulses stimulate the

hypothalamus, and this has an important controlling

effect on the production of neurochemicals. Given,

that neurochemicals regulate processes such as

blood pressure, immune response, sleep, mood

and so much more...

The mechanism of action in Energy relates to

vasodilation, or increased blood flow and local

temperature. The Energy brings nutrients and

oxygen to the soft tissue region and initiates the

removal of accumulated toxins. This results in

positive effects, producing an increase in blood

circulation. There are many benefits from this

vasodilation, due to efficient removal of

toxins and increased production of trace elements,

minerals and oxygen.

Life is energy; All the objects which we perceive to

be solid are actually composed of vibrating molecules.

When the molecules themselves are studied closely

we find that they are composed entirely of energy.

This energy alters our Body, Mind, Spirit and Soul...

In My work with Cyndi's Energy Remedies I have

seen successful case after case...I have experienced

miracles ~

I have beat the standard odds at achieving Health

and Meaningful Growth!!!

Lets receive help and give ourselves something

very important...A Safe way to Health and

Meaningful Growth~

Don't overlook the importance of educating yourself

about Cyndi's Energy Remedies, your future

health depends on it!

come visit me at for

more information and direction~

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