"Every Thought You Think - Affects the Way you Feel"
What and how we choose to think about any given situation or ourselves becomes the truth for us.
I believe that each and everyone of us, including myself, is responsible for the things that happen within our own realm.
It is said that we are not responsible for other people's success or failure, they are. The same is said for us.
Each one of us has the ability to create our experiences by the way we think and in turn this has a direct action on the way that we feel.
If you allow yourself to have negative thoughts, then that is how your life will become.
By allowing yourself to take responsibility for your life: By taking charge of your thinking -
You are giving yourself both the permission and the power to create the life you want.
If we continually allow ourselves to blame either other people or situations then we are rendering ourselves helpless to change. This brings about frustration, resentment and disharmony.
If we choose to take each situation, each event and each person with making the best out of any given moment. This will then create harmony, peace and balance in our lives..
Just as simple change of thought : from - “People are horrible.” to “Everyone has a good side.”
It is not possible to take control of others or sometimes things that may be around the corner. But what is possible is to take control of ourselves and how we react to situations and people.
For whatever reason even when someone is being particularly bad toward you, it is how they are feeling toward themselves, not you. The best thing to do is to react with warmth and kindness, then just walk away.
Learning to love and be kind to yourself brings about warmth, love and kindness in the people around you. Each one of these beliefs will create quite different experiences. Put another way, our subconscious mind accepts whatever we choose to believe and then it becomes true.
The Universe only accepts us at our own value and then it reflects our beliefs in our own value and then it reflects our beliefs in our lives. If I want to believe that life is lonely and that nobody loves me, then that is what I will find in my world.
However, when you are willing to release that belief and to affirm for yourself that, “Love is everywhere, and I am loving and lovable,” and to hold on to that new way of thinking, your affirmation to feed your subconscious mind, then repeat it often. Your world will change and your life will become happier and more loving.
To remember that criticizing yourself or others hasn't been a constructive way for years of working things out. So why not put into place thoughts of approval of yourself and you will see your world change before your very eyes.
If you struggle with negative thoughts along the way, don't condemn yourself for that, just take a moment and transfer these to positive thoughts.
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Empowering You to Optimal Health Julie Doherty N.D
Julie Doherty N.D is a visionary pioneer and a Recognized World Health Leader in the field of Naturopathic Medicine
This being understanding the elements of mind, thinking and emotional health the connections with our physical health. Understanding of the inner connection of mind, body and spirit – Your True Internal Strength.
Dr Julie is well known for her empowering approach to men, women and children’s health. The true essence in not only becoming well but staying well. Dr. Julie teaches each person how to thrive through every stage of life.