Cellulite is one of the most dreaded skin problems of women. Unfortunately enough, around 85-90% of women around the world is afflicted by the distinct cottage cheese or orange peel appearance of the skin. There are many known possible contributors in the formation of cellulite. Among these are genetic makeup, race, age, poor diet , hormonal imbalance, and passive lifestyle. But by far, the most profound culprit of cellulite development is fat structure. Women, unlike men, have honeycomb-like fat cell compartments. While women also have fat stores deeper into the layers of muscle, it also has subcutaneous fat deposits located directly underneath the skin. As runaway water, toxins and fat makes its way to these cells, they tend to accumulate until the cells bulge. This bulging likewise creates ripples and lumps on the skin’s surface.

It is common misconception that overweight individuals are the only ones prone to cellulite. No. Even those who have a remarkably thin frame can be afflicted with dimply skin, not to mention athletes, models and celebrities.

With consideration to the magnanimous percentage of cellulite-affected women, various cellulite treatments are mushrooming every now and then. When choosing the right product, beware of those that claim they are the ultimate cellulite cure. More often than not, they are just scams that long for media exposure and increased profit. Aside from cellulite treatment products, there are also clinical procedures specifically developed to smooth out the skin’s creases by melting or taking away fat. Among these procedures are liposuction, thermage, mesotherapy, radiofrequency massage , ultrasound massage , and so much more. Spas and salons also offer cellulite treatment services like deep-tissue massages, and body wraps. You can also opt to make your own homemade cellulite treatment body scrubs, creams and lotions. All these have their corresponding price tags, ranging from the absurdly expensive to the economical. Still, what binds all these treatments for cellulite together is that they necessitate constant application or several treatment sessions in order to see visible results. This might not be financially painful with topical creams, gels, and lotions; but it is a great deal when invasive and noninvasive treatments.

Still, what experts agree on as the best cellulite cure is the adherence to a balanced diet , regular exercise and living a healthy lifestyle. There are lots of cellulite-busting foods that we can incorporate in our meals. Foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, C and E are just among the cellulite reducers. Exercise on the other hand can help the body increase muscle to fat ratio. Muscle building reinforces the connective tissues that hold down the fat cells, thus containing the upward pressure the cells apply.

In the end, getting rid of cellulite will boil down on how we live our lives. Keeping ourselves healthy and fit will not only shun us away for serious health problems, but has also proven to be effective in preventing cellulite formation.

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Want to know the general information about cellulite and how to combat it or about cellulite treatment ? Be on the know and read on.