Stress is a major risk factor in almost every ailment you can think of, and yet millions around the globe lead a life of great stress. Of all the reasons that contribute to stress, work and workload is a major contributor. The two main reasons for people to feel stressed at work are – overload and lack of work (challenge) - both extremes.

It’s a dog-eat-dog world and to keep up one has to pay the price- unrealistic, unworkable deadlines, unduly demanding work and seemingly perpetual work hours make most employees chronically fatigued and stressed out.

Human beings lack in what is known as swamp intelligence (which some groups of animals and insects like ants have loads of) - which means that unless the work is well organized and co-ordinated, the average man finds it hard to work in a social group. Misunderstandings and differences that arise as a result poorly defined work boundaries and targets of this are often an aggravating factor to the already present stress.

The recent economic slowdown has instilled in many employees a fear of getting laid off and put an increased demand to work extra to improve returns, this certainly adds to the already bad picture.

It isn’t just about the workplace- the lack of anything to look forward to makes most employees frustrated even back home and they get inadequate sleep, eat improperly- as a result of which they fall ill and this inturn further aggravates the problem. Sound sleep is very important to stay healthy and happy. Cases of insomnia and narcolepsy which are on the rise due to unwarranted work load only work against happiness and general wellbeing.

Exercise is known to release chemical compounds called endorphins that elevate the mood of an individual. The complete lack of exercise and on the contrary a sedentary lifestyle give the perfect conditions for a person to become unhealthy aside from being unfit, which might already be causing mild mental trauma.

On the other hand, there are individuals who are in jobs that are so monotonous that they feel a lack of sufficient use of their potential and as a result of this are victims of hypostress- caused due to the lack of adequately challenging work. Scientists have determined that an optimum amount of stress is required to keep an individual motivated and moving. A lack of this minimum stress is what puts these individuals in a state of hypostress.

Author's Bio: 

Luka Malgaj is the main author on stress management web site. If you are interested in learning more about this subject you might want to check the detailed guide to causes of stress at work .