The immediate impact of an auto accident can be shocking and overwhelming. Such collisions, crashes, and accidents are not rare in Salem, and if you ever end up getting injured in an on-road mishap, your immediate response should be about seeking legal counsel. Hiring a Salem Oregon Lawyer can be truly beneficial for your case. In this post, we are sharing more on Oregon car accident laws and what you should do after an accident.
Steps to follow
- Pull over and check the accident scene. If someone is injured, call 911 immediately.
- Don’t ignore your injuries and seek medical attention.
- Inform the local law enforcement. No matter who’s at fault, wait for the investigating officer.
- Take pictures of the scene. In cases involving car accidents, photographs and videos of the scene are the most valuable details.
- Exchange details. Talk to other drivers and get their contact & insurance info. However, stay away from confrontations.
- Inform your insurer. You should report the car accident and must inform your insurer within a reasonable time.
- Note down other details. If there were other witnesses at the car accident scene, take their contact details.
- Call an injury lawyer. Do you have a valid claim? What is your claim worth? Let an attorney decide all of that.
Knowing the time limits
Following an accident, there is a time limit for filing a civil lawsuit against the at-fault party. Every state has its statute of limitations, and in Oregon, you have two years to pursue a car accident injury lawsuit. If your case is about property damage alone, you have a six-year time limit.
Understanding comparative fault
When two parties share the blame for an accident in Oregon, the modified comparative fault rule comes into action. You can only sue the other at-fault driver if you are not more to blame. Also, you can only get a part of the given settlement (if you win) based on your fault percentage.
Get an attorney
Most accident lawyers in Salem charge a contingency rate, which is a percentage of the settlement received. In other words, if you don’t win the case, you don’t have to pay the attorney for their time. An attorney can help negotiate with the insurance company, and top law firms don’t mind going to court if needed. Always hire an attorney specializing in personal injury law, and don’t shy away from asking about trial experience.
Parker shown is a full time guest blogger. You can contact at