Are you having trouble sleeping? Do you wake up, and then can't go back to sleep? Join the crowd. In our fast-paced lifestyle, many people have difficulty sleeping.

A fancy name for waking up at night is "sleep maintenance insomnia." It's often associated with some sort of stressful situation going on in your life. Whatever the reason, it's frustrating to lay awake at night, watching the clock, wishing you could just drift off. Here are some suggestions that may help.

What To Do If You Can't Sleep Through The Night

Take a look at your daily routine. Are you eating too much too late at night? Do you love chowing down on spicy foods, even though you're having a late meal? A too-full stomach can certainly keep you awake at night. And heartburn from those chili dogs you scarfed down can make it impossible to stay in slumberland for long.

Instead, snack on a handful of almonds, or a banana with peanut butter on it. Almonds, peanuts, and bananas all contain tryptothan, a precursor to serotonin, which helps to regulate your sleep cycle. They also contain magnesium, a muscle relaxant.

Speaking of relaxed muscles, try some gentle stretching or yoga to relax tight muscles. A warm soothing shower will also help you calm down. Avoid hot showers; they're too stimulating.

Think a beer or a glass of wine will knock you out? Think again. Alcohol may help you get to dreamland for a while, but it disrupts the sleep cycle later on in the night. Stay away from alcoholic drinks within an hour of bedtime.

Get some exercise during the day. A brisk walk for a half-hour every day will keep you healthy, and will make it easier to catch 40 winks at night, too.

Establish a bedtime routine. A warm shower, a soothing cup of chamomile or valerian tea, and some quiet music will help you shed the cares of the day. Don't go to bed until you're sleepy. When you start nodding off, head straight to bed.

Put the clock where you can't see it. If you wake up and can't get back to sleep, watching the clock won't help. Get up after 20 minutes, and read or do something quiet until you feel drowsy again. Don't sleep in or nap the next day after a wakeful night; this only messes up your sleep patterns.

Are you struggling with depression or anxiety ? These conditions can cause difficulty sleeping. Physical problems, including chronic pain, or restless leg syndrome, can also interfere with a restful night. See your doctor if you suffer from these conditions.

If you're having trouble sleeping, these easy cures for insomnia may help.

Author's Bio: 

Want to take charge of your own health, but don't know where to begin? Start with a visit to Natural Health And Wellness Tips , where Darlene Norris shares the latest buzz on natural health. Darlene is a mom and grandma who has been using natural remedies for many years to keep her family healthy and happy.

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