So far in 2020, it's safe to say that business owners have never faced a crisis like the 2020 pandemic. Many businesses across the globe have been affected financially at the initial stage of the COVID-19 pandemic. With systematic planning and approach, businesses could once again shine in the competitive world. So here are few ways to survive a financial crisis:

Analyzing the Downfall & BudgetingIn the initial phase of analysis business owners need to evaluate the flow of capital that happened before the crisis and figure out in which sector the money is no longer required. How much budget to allocate depends upon the scale of the business. Some of the sectors where cash flow could be reduced may be transportations, electricity bills, or internet costs as many businesses and industries are promoting work from home. The next step is to look at the possible ways from where the money could flow in.

Contracting to reduce the cash flow in certain sectors owners need to increase the cash flow in some other sectors during the pandemic. After analyzing all the figures of possible income. You will get an answer to the question “how bad has the business been hit by the COVID crisis?”.

After calculation, if the business seems to be in danger, business owners need to come up with plans to survive the crisis. As an owner you may already work with a financial advisor, so now is the time to be in touch and discuss all the possible ways to come out of the mess. Hence it is worth investing time in analysis and allocating the budget accordingly.

Explore Possible Funding Options
The spread of COVID-19 has resulted in the downfall of many businesses. For uncertainty caused owners majorly need to consider all the possible options for the business. A business funding can help owners tackle some of this uncertainty with well-structured funding planning. It’s a sensible option for entrepreneurs and owners to get business sales up and run even after the lockdown ends is by funding their business. Here are a few considerable options for fundings:


One of the trending ways of getting business funding is crowd-funding. It is a strange process of raising funding via social networking or social media. Owners need to provide a proper description of the business to various crowd-funding platforms (websites). An interesting fact about crowdfunding is that people investing or raising funds are non-investors. So they don’t receive a share of ownership in the business as well don’t expect a financial return on their money. The only thing in exchange is maybe they become priority customers for your products/services.
Crowdfunding enhances a business to avoid the cash flow pressures of having to repay loans. However, applying for crowdfunding is quite competitive.

Venture Capitalist or Investor
Third-party involvement in your business can be surprisingly profitable for the business. Venture capitalists expect an ownership share in your business or they may even have some active role in your business or company in exchange for their funding. Their criteria may slightly vary from traditional bank loans because venture capitalists want good return rather than debt .
For triumphing over the fundings, business owners should know how to make a good business pitch and finally attract investors from it. New investors will add some values to your business in addition to money.

Enhance Customer Experience and Delight Them

Great customer experiences are not built in a day. Instead, it is crafted with deep planning and delivered mindfully. Customers don't hold the same expectations from brands as before the lockdown or quarantine. As their necessity changes because they might discontinue using prior products or services offered. The best way to deal with the change in customer’s behavior is by offering products or services that meet customer’s at home needs. Unfortunately, your business may not offer such major products or services remotely, so brands may offer some minor products or services either in the form of trial versions or temporarily offering some fresh new products. Thinking of the long term the minor products or services offered will increase awareness and will also bring revenue at present.

Cope up with the Digital Era

People are willing to maintain social distancing but still try to connect with each other so the only way possible is to be online! Even businesses are rapidly becoming more reliant on digital marketing strategies in the pandemic. Hence an entrepreneurial step here could be investing more money in the marketing team.

The marketing team can also help in tracking and gathering information about competitors. Any business strategy is incomplete without consideration of competitors. Tracking competitor’s business strategy will enhance your chances of outshining them. Proper planning to entice their customers to become yours will bring a good amount of revenue in this difficult time.


Business owners need to list out all the significant ways to deal with the pandemic by analyzing the downfall, looking at funding options like crowdfunding or venture capitalists, focus on customer needs, update with the current affairs, measure competitive scores, and also to be part of the emerging digital era. The phase of crisis will pass and the new normal will fade away but until that day businesses have an opportunity to influence the outcome and come out even stronger.

Author's Bio: 

Mark Burke is a blogger and a business consultant in Alcor ( ), a global investment bank . Mark is passionate about researching on the latest small business and marketing trends. He loves writing informative blog posts to help small business owners and startup founders in their entrepreneurial journey.