Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Book Let's stop beating around the bush, what do you get if you buy Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle ?

You get instant access to the number one bodybuilding ebook that is over 340 pages long but check out what else you get:

  1. A bodybuilding ebook that teaches you exactly which types of food will help lose weight.
  2. An ebook that tells you in no uncertain terms which foods turn to fat immediately.
  3. A jam packed mp3 lecture that teaches you the secrets to giving your meals a grade.
  4. Unlimited updates for life. Tom Venuto constantly updates his ebook quite often.
  5. Immediate access to his mega popular newsletter that teaches you the finer details about weightloss!
  6. Immediate access to a free ebook where you'll learn how to measure your real body fat percentages once and for all!
  7. Back by popular demand his insanely popular ebook called The Fat Files. You don't want to miss out on this one!

What am I going to get out of this? Tell me the good points and bad points of this bodybuilding ebook !

Let's cut to the chase here, if you want real results and are dedicated to this and use Tom's strategies, you will see huge results. If you are not, then do not buy this ebook.

If you're not 100% dedicated to putting the work in, then don't buy this book. I'm assuming you are, that's why you're here.

If you've read my reviews for a while now, you know that if something is horrible I'll tell you and if something is great I'll tell you as well. This tom venuto review is no different. I call it like it is.

The way I see it, if you're really looking for something that works and want to change your body, and willing to put in the effort, this bodybuilding ebook is worth even much more than the advertised price!

I don't think there has ever been more solid content offered at a lower price than $39 dollars!

Take a look at some details about burn the fat, feed the muscle:

Tom Venuto talks about how there is no magic pill and he makes a big distinction between, fat loss and weightloss.Tom's main point in this bodybuilding ebook is that the most important thing is to gain better health and that gaining muscle and losing weight are just byproducts.

Goal setting and Staying Motivated:In Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle, Tom Venuto explains his secret methods to setting and attaining all of your workout goals. Tom will take you from a couch potato to a master goal setter and goal achiever. Tom goes into great detail explaining what the right and wrong kinds of goals are as well as teaching you how to accomplish every goal you ever set for yourself!

Discovering the right workout plan for your bodytype:This particular chapter was my personal favorite. Tom really breaks the silence and teaches you which exercises you're going to want to focus on for your unique bodytype. Tom not only lays it all out but he explains exactly why certain machines should be avoided by certain bodytypes. He gives amazing insights here. There's no need to waste time on machines that won't work for your bodytype.

A bodybuilders dream, an A to Z meal planner guide:This section of Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle is like the hinge of the whole course. Tom goes into detail that most other workout experts would rather avoid. Tom goes twenty pages deep that is full of incredible information about which foods you should be eating, before and after workouts.

The real truth about your supplements:Tom lays it all out on the line, he has very strong views about the supplements you are taking.Tom goes to work dismantling the entire supplement industry with a few strokes of the pen. I was blown away after reading this.If you want to see results and not end up ravaged by pain in your later years, Tom shows you that you only need to be taking a couple supplements. Tom then goes on to explain what will happen if you avoid taking these supplements. I was blown away. This is a must read.

The Truth Behind Cardiovascular Exercise:
This bodybuilding ebook is mainly geared towards people who want to gain muscle and lose weight. Just about every other health guru or workoutinstructor, primarily focus on having the right diet and also weight training, but Tom really shows you why you need to have a complete cardiovascular program in place if you want to achieve your goals.If you want to know which cardio exercises are good and which cardiovascular routines are a compete waste, then don't skip this. This is critical to know.

Step by step guide on how to gain super strength:This is must have information that is completely critical for you to gain muscle and lose weight.

Weightloss is just an after effect of implementing a solid workout plan.Tom does a great job explaining quickly and easily difficult to understand ideas about the body and working out. Tom taught me (a workout addict of 13 years) tips and tricks that even I was not aware of.To be honest I didn't think I'd learn anything from Tom Venuto and Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle but I have to admit, I was really pleasantly surprised by just how much I learned.

My Conclusion:Generally I don't like to give out 5 stars unless a bodybuilding ebook actually deserves it.My recommendation is to buy Tom Venuto's book today and actually put it to good use!

Author's Bio: 

Todd Bowman is an avid fitness expert and regular contributor to GainMuscleAndLoseWeight.com.