It is well known that the sense of smell is the strongest sense related to memory; especially long term memory. All it takes is a smell of something from your childhood - say, the scent of an old rug - and you are instantly transported back to where that smell was significant. Because of this, what we smell can subconsciously put us in a good mood, or a bad mood. If the scent of vanilla reminds you of more relaxed and easier times (and for most people, it does), why not provide yourself with that scent?

Custom scented candles can be perfect for turning a bad day into a better one. When you come home from work, light a custom scented candle that will let you forget the stresses of the day. What better way to do that than to remind your brain of a time when you weren't stressed out? If you remember a lilac tree that you smelled near your grandmother's house when you went to visit, then burn a custom scented lilac candle.

If you find yourself anxious and worried about one thing or another, try and remember a fragrance that reminds you of feelings relaxation and peace . If you find yourself feeling angry, think of a time when you were happy and content and what fragrance you would associate with that feeling. You'll be amazed at how well this works and how easy it is.

In recent years, food based fragrances have become very popular because for many people, the fragrance of certain foods is very comforting and can be very therapeutic. I can almost guarantee that any food you can imagine that might bring you comfort is available as a candle fragrance. There are fragrance companies that literally have thousands of fragrances available and some online candle companies will even take specific custom requests for a particular fragrance you may want in your candle.

Custom scented candles are available in some retail stores, but you'll be more likely to find the specific fragrance you're looking for online, especially if it's not a common fragrance. You're not likely to find a candle scented like your favorite coffee shop, or a fresh rain scent accented with a floral aroma in a retail store. The only downside with shopping online for a custom scented candle is that you cannot actually smell the fragrance before you buy it. Although, some online shops may have fragrance sample packages that you can purchase.

Different scents have different effect on various people depending on what that person associates with that scent, but there are a few common scents that have a similar effect on most everyone. I've listed some general rules that you can use as a guide when you're choosing your fragrance: Try lavender or vanilla to help relieve stress. Try grapefruit, lemon or pine to help uplift or energize you. Try sandalwood, amber or jasmine to help encourage sensuality.

Of course these are just general guidelines. Everyone is different and each person will react differently to various types of custom scented candles. Find ones that work and stick with them. Fragrance therapy does work. Essential oils are best because they have actual physical benefits, but perfumes can be just as helpful in many situations.

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Learn more about custom scented candles , essential oil candles, pillar and jar candles and much more. Visit Promethean Candle Boutique now.