Are you burdened by the social stigma that is associated with cellulite?
Do you find it inappropriate to wear skimpy shorts or swim wears because your cottage cheese might peek?
Do you find it difficult to boost up your confidence level because your unwanted orange peels always take the limelight away from you?
If you answered yes to any of the aforementioned questions, then it’s about time to bust those cellulites once an for all.
Unfortunately enough, this is no easy feat to accomplish. To date, no definitive cellulite cure has been discovered yet. What the market offers however are temporary remedies for cellulite reduction that ironically claim that they can alleviate the appearance of dimply skin in no time at all. When you happen to come across such product, beware. More often than not, they only offer hallow promises and are only after your money. If you really want to get rid of cellulite, the cost-effective way, why not try some of the proven home remedies for cellulite reduction. Among these is dry brushing.
As a cellulite treatment, dry brushing can help in enhancing lymphatic drainage and blood circulation. Cellulite is generally formed when runaway toxins, fat, and water get trapped inside the walls of subcutaneous cells. Over time, as the buildup increases, the bulging of cellulite on the surface of the skin also becomes more noticeable. However, as blood circulation – the body’s natural waster expulsion mechanism is fortified, more wasters are eliminated.
To learn how to perform dry brushing at the comforts of your home, follow the easy instructions stated below.
Purchase a soft bristled brush, loofah, or silk cloth. These are readily available in most skin care shops or on the bath essentials section of your local department store.
Before taking a shower, massage your skin using the brush. Focus the massage on the cellulite-affected area.
Use circular strokes that are likened to kneading dough. The heat can generated by the stroke can penetrate deep into the pockets of cellulite and is useful in stimulating the melting of fat.
Apply long and broad strokes that are directed towards the heart. This action is beneficial in activating the heart to increase blood flow. As mentioned earlier, blood circulation is indispensable in the elimination of toxins and fat wastes out of the body.
For more effective dry brushing, apply a small amount of anti cellulite cream or oil before maneuvering the body.
The benefits of dry brushing is more that just being a treatment for cellulite, it can also help in improving the texture of the skin as dead skin cells are scaled off.
To enhance further the benefits of dry brushing, it is recommended that you complement this cellulite treatment with other known remedies for cellulite like proper diet , exercise , and drinking plenty of water. Increased water intake is important in helping the body speed up its elimination process.
Are you having second thoughts whether dry brushing can be an effective cellulite reducer? Read on more for cellulite treatment and be enlightened.