This week is all about commitment, contracts and relationships:
- Be aware which commitments you have to fulfill and do it with love!
- Check your contracts and see which ones are right for you. What is not right, just release them!
- Check your relationships carefully. Which people are supporting you and who is an energy vampire?
- Check as well all the communication you had recently and solve all misunderstandings.
- Be more patient with others and do not argue about different opinions.

The year 2012 is the revolution of love. This starts with self acceptance and self love first. You cannot love anybody if you do not love yourself dearly. Most of us were always told not to be so selfish. Selfishness has nothing to do with loving and accepting yourself!
Why do we have so many singles in the world? Just alone in city like Munich nearly half of the population is single. Can you see the reason that more and more people are not capable to live a relationship? The reason is that we never learned to love ourselves.

If you cannot love yourself and expect to be loved, you only attract people who are like you. But what if then both people wait to receive love? Two people expecting love from the other person will never experience true love!How can you change yourself that you are able to exchange love in your relationship?

Only those who learn to love themselves can attract a person, who loves himself/herself.

Then only unconditional love can flow and a wonderful partnership can be lived. This will even bring peace into the world. No more fighting and misunderstanding!
Start your morning in the bathroom and tell yourself that you love yourself. Smile at yourself and kiss your hand like Bob Proctor shows us.

Renew the power of your Self by
- speaking the truth
- loving yourself
- being you
- showing your true feelings

It is not about judging. Stop blaming other people. If you do not like your reality, start to change it by changing your thoughts.

You and I come from a phase of feeling. If you stop blaming others you will stop having negative feelings.Do not be afraid to disagree with the ruling class, politics, churches etc. Many institutions which were set up on greed and keeping people in fear will have to change, if they want to survive. Just accept that we are in times of changes.

The outside is no longer secure and trustworthy. Security you can only have in yourself not from the outside. There is a crisis of the consciousness. We need to create a new world. Are you ready to participate?

It may feel like anarchy as we have chaos at the transition to the new dimension. Be comfortable with yourself! When you love yourself and trust your gut feelings, you are secure!

To explore more on 2012

This is your Mantra of this week:

“I am the love that I see in the outside world!”

Author's Bio: 

Angela Schulz-Henke is a success and business coach. She loves to see her clients thrive and live a fulfilled life.
Her mentor is John Assaraf and for marketing Chris Cardell.
She just founded a Business Coaching Company with 2 other ladies to coach small companies and people who want to set up their own business.

The same time she is ready to bring peace in the world!