I just found two websites, serendipitously, while researching inner happiness for an article I am writing, and just had to share them with you:


http://www.blissology.com Go to these websites and use the interactive compass tool to rate your level of bliss. I did it and my results affirmed my inner “bliss” but clued me in to an unclear professional “bliss” whenever I spun the wheel while concentrating on my work. I pledge to work on that until my bliss is congruent both inner and professionally.

Try the Follow Your Bliss compass for yourself. Tune in to the message of blissology – a path of interconnectedness and love.

The stream of consciousness connected with “follow your bliss,” writes author and lecturer Joseph Campbell in The Power of Myth, can be startling or affirming. Take the time to “identify your bliss and honor it,” advises bliss compass author Craig Conley.

Let me know how this worked for you.Let’s honor our bliss together.

Be in bliss. Be joy. Be happy.
Peace .

Author's Bio: 

Anita Jefferson ( www.anitajefferson.com ) enjoys bliss. You can life with bliss congruency in all levels of your life. Find out how.