Are you currently debating whether or not to get a credit card? Keep in mind its irresponsible use of credit cards that gets people in trouble. While the potential to do damage is there, the advantages of carrying a credit card may be enough sway you in the direction of applying for one today. In all financial management decision, weighting the pros and cons should be done first. Is a credit card something you can responsibly handle? If so, you too can take advantage of the benefits. Here are some of the perks to having a credit card.
Building Credit History The length of time you’ve been using credit (credit history) is a factor in calculating your credit score…the longer, the better. Each financial action you make is recorded by the credit reporting agencies that establish a persons credit score. Credit cards are one of the easiest forms of financial credit a person can obtain, making them one of the most common methods for individuals with no credit at all to start down the credit road.
Improving Credit Scores
Improving ones credit score is among the top reasons a person should consider having a credit card. Responsible use of a credit card will provide financial freedom
to use towards building a higher credit score. Using a credit card wisely will showcase your ability to manage finances and will be reflected in your credit score. High credit scores allow the best chance to obtain loans with the lowest interest rates available.
Worldwide Acceptance
Credit cards happen to be one of the fastest growing payment methods accepted across the globe. The number of retailers accepting credit cards just keeps on building. Safety is another key point to make with credit cards. Thieves prefer swiping cash, travelers’ checks or money orders rather than stealing a credit card. Plus, most credit card companies provide or offer insurance
against fraudulent use of a credit card.
Rental Security Almost every auto rental service requires a credit card to be on file. They keep one of file to secure payment in the event of damage the renter may cause to the vehicle or other payments the renter may skip out on. This is also a practice hotels use for the very same reason. Most services requiring a credit card to be on file limit the security amount to a few hundred dollars and both parties are aware of the amount being agreed to.
Emergency Backup Funding In a best-case scenario, you will have savings to use for an emergency situation. If you do not, credit cards are a great back-up plan for situations you cannot predict; major car repair, injury and furnace repair to name a few.
Online Purchases Shopping online is one of the fastest growing ways people are making purchases these days. Unfortunately payments for online purchases are limited and credit cards are the most common. In many cases, customers are finding products cheaper through online services. Also, credit card companies provide certain protections for the customer. Most card providers offer fraud protection against thieves using your card online. Many of these companies also give extended warranties and other perks. Not happy with a particular product purchase…the credit card company will protect you, helping you to get a full refund to you account for the service or product.
Know Where Your Money is Going Credit cards make it easier to track your spending. The monthly statements make record keeping a much easier task. Some card services will even sort your purchases into specific categories. This perk to using credit cards will make setting and keeping a budget a much easier task for many.
To compare a wide selection of all the top credit card offers , visit . Find excellent benefits, such as: 0% APR, no annual fee, low interest, cash back and other rewards.