Over the years, people have been turning to holistic alternatives to improve their overall wellbeing. CBD oil has gained significant popularity, and given its positive results, people have been wondering whether it can help pets , such as cats and dogs. It helps, therefore, to learn about the benefits of CBD oil for cats.

Benefits of CBD Oil for Cats - What to Expect

In this post, we’ll discuss how CBD oil can be beneficial to your feline companion.. We also highlight the factors to consider when determining the amount of CBD oil to give your cat.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD (Cannabidiol) is a natural component extracted from hemp plants. After extraction, CBD goes through a stringent purification process to produce CBD oil.

Does CBD Oil Contain THC?

THC is the psychoactive component found in cannabis plants and is responsible for the “high” feeling. CBD, on the other hand, is extracted from hemp plants which contain very low levels of THC. Full spectrum CBD products contain very low levels of THC, which makes it safe and legal for human and animal consumption with no psychoactive effects. You should always ask about the CBD oil , to make sure it's full spectrum, and talk with your vet to see if it's okay for your cat specifically.

Is CBD Beneficial?

CBD oil has been used by many dog owners with great success, but many pet owners still wonder whether it’s safe for cats. Well, the answer is yes. And that’s because cats, just like dogs, can enjoy a multitude of benefits CBD oil has to offer.

Are there Side Effects to CBD Oil?

Grab any bottle of prescription drugs, turn the label on the bottle and you’ll find a long list of side effects. Like most drugs, including your typical aspirin, CBD oil also has its share of side effects. However, the side effects are minimal, none of which should alter your cat’s wellbeing. Luckily, if your cat is showing any side effects, you can remedy the situation by discontinuing use or lowering their dosage.

How Much CBD Oil Should You Give Your Cat?

CBD oil for cats is relatively new in the market, so it can be difficult to determine the right amount of CBD oil to give your furry companion. The trick here is to give your cat an appropriate amount of CBD oil that will benefit them without wasting the oil.

The general rule of thumb is to give your cat a dosage of 1-5 mg of CBD oil for every 10lbs. If you’ve just started your cat on CBD oil, it’s advisable to start with a smaller dose and increase it with time. The 1-5 mg dosage allows you to adjust the dosage accordingly to meet your cat’s needs. Factors to consider are the cat’s activity level and weight. Older, more frail cats, for example, might benefit from higher dosages to help them cope with the negative effects of old age.

While CBD is a safe product, it’s not highly regulated. This means benefits can differ significantly from one product to another. Always go for organic products and buy your CBD oil from a reputable source.

Bottom Line

CBD oil is a holistic, therapeutic substance that can help to improve your cat’s well-being. However, it isn’t just for old cats, healthy cats also enjoy the benefits of CBD oil for cats. It can be great for hyperactive or finicky cats. However, always consult your vet before making any lifestyle changes in your cat.

Author's Bio: 

This article was written by Edgar at Phoenix-Pop. Hobbyist and pro-healthy choices, fitness and lifestyle.