Muscle building is the increase in muscle mass and muscle strength that occurs as a result of weight training. This increase in muscle mass also results in an increase in weight, but this weight doesn't take the unappealing shape of fat. Muscle mass takes up less volume and hence gives you excellent shape and a well toned body. Fat on the other hand is like cotton candy stuffed under your skin. Apart from being lighter on the eyes, muscle mass is better for your health too, as we'll soon see how. Every healthy weight loss plan encourages it followers to take up some muscle building exercises to get their body into shape.

Muscle building has many benefits, but the most notable as well motivating ones are;

1. Helps in loose fat: the greater the proportion of muscle mass in your body, the less the proportion of fat. Also muscle tissue is constantly active and keeps burning p energy, calories, so this is a built-in system that burns the fat off your body 24/7.

2. Increase bone density: muscle building is the result of intense workouts that place the muscles under stress. The added stress results in an increase in the density of the skeleton. Not only do your muscles get stronger, but so do your bones.

3. Better appearance: muscle mass is less voluminous than fat, far less. Muscle mass tones your body, highlighting the grace and beauty of your form. It makes you leaner as well as more flexible.

4. Avoid muscle pain: muscle building helps you avoid muscle stiffness and muscle pain. Done rightly, weight training keeps your muscles constantly active and they never want for something to do. It also improves your posture and form. So basically you live a free of muscle spasms unless you do something ridiculous with your workout.

5. Stronger Muscles and Tendons: weight training improves the strength of tendons and ligaments. In turn, there is improvement in the joints' stability. Not only this, weight training also stimulates the production of collagen in the tendons and ligaments which increases their structural strength.

6. Fighting Age-related Muscle Loss: muscle mass tends to depreciate and decrease as we grow older. The average adult looses about 2-3 kg of muscle mass every 10 years of life. Most of the muscle loss occurs in the Fast twitching (FT) muscles. Weight training helps to build muscle mass in the entre body, but particularly focuses on the FT muscles. Cardio workouts can't prevent this muscle loss because they don't build muscle in the first place.

7. Fight diseases: research has shown the weight lifting, especially when combined with aerobic workouts, decreases both systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure. It also lowers the sugar level in the blood. Muscle building on the whole helps to prevent or in the very least delay the onset of diseases like, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, heart attack, strokes, etc. it also strengthens the immune system.

Hope these benefits have you seriously considering why muscle building is for you. Recreational weight training is fast catching up as the number one hobby among both men and one, so you need feel isolation. There are plenty of people out there ready to join you in the quest for strength.

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