Wanting to cover the incredible 26.2 miles? Then you need some marathon running tips.Running a marathon is quite a feat, but the main work is in the training and preparation.Marathon running is often compared to having a baby. The delivery itself is what many people talk about, but the nine months before that count just as much, maybe even more so!Any runner, new or experienced can use some marathon training tips to make sure that the road to the Big Race is the most efficient and effective possible.

The theory behind this thinking is that whether you run or walk for a mile you're still carrying the same weight over the same distance which results in your body using the same energy.

Therefore you should burn the same number of calories whether you're using walking or running to lose weight, right. Wrong!

When walking , your centre of gravity remains at a fairly constant height above the ground. In other words you walk along fairly smoothly with little upwards or downwards movement.

When running, your centre of gravity varies much more. You have to lift your weight and push yourself off from the ground, and when you land your body lowers as your knees bend to absorb the shock.

Many people believe they're burning more than they actually are because they unknowingly use a gross figure without taking off what they would have burned even without running.

Most books , websites, and online calculators only use figures for gross burn rate without any explanation which also encourages people to overestimate the amount of calories burned running.

Therefore use the equations provided above to estimate your overall net burn rate or to estimate how much extra you can burn by running for longer distances.

However, try not to get caught up in the "more miles are better" mindset which many people do. This is far from the reality!

There are different theories about when to do all these types of running training. One school of thought is to basically do your easy running on your easy days, and on your hard days you alternate the other types of running. So you'd go through a cycle of a minimum of 8 days (more is possible as well) in which you would have four easy days and four hard days. The hard days would be containing a tempo run, intervals, reps and a long run.

Many runners run a set course and then try to beat their time each and every time. This seems a valid approach. At first, you will usually find yourself improving quite a bit as you get used to the distance and the course. Inevitably though at some point you will hit a plateau. It can be frustrating as you are trying to figure out why your running is not improving anymore. The reason is that you have only been working on your speed, but you have been neglecting to build your running base.Only when you have a strong base you will be able to run quickly for a long time. If you do not have that strong base, then your speed is built on a layer of quicksand. You will not be able to maintain it.So, how do you build your base? Roll miles, roll miles, roll miles. Simply increase your mileage by doing lots of easy running

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