Believe in New Beginnings....When we face a difficult transition or a loss we may think our life is over....that we don't have any hope, or that we don't have options.

My purpose in life is to help people embrace hope and make them believe in new beginnings. Because...this is possible. I have gone through so many losses in my life when I thought my life was over...and I found resources inside myself to keep on going and believe there was a tomorrow.
Every day is a new beginning. When the sun rises it is an opportunity to start with new strength, renewed hopes and the self-confidence we can make it. Have faith you can do it....and you will! It doesn't happen without commitment and effort....but it is possible. The first step is to recognize we are facing a loss...or that we have a loss from the past that is still blocking our growth and development. Do you think this time you can make the decision to face it, process the grief , and transform your life?

You can do it!

Remember as you transform your loss you can change your life!

Ligia M. Houben, MA, CG-C, CPC

Author's Bio: 

Ligia Houben is a specialist in life transitions and transformation. She is a coach, speaker, and certified grief counselor. Ligia has a passion for life and believes all of us are able to fulfill our purpose if we can only change our attitude and beliefs. Her work has been centered in the area of grief and loss, expanding into meaning and growth. Ligia has delivered her message from corporations to hospitals. She works with the bereaved, the person who needs to face a new stage in life, children of aging parents, or people searching for more meaning in their lives. Ligia has appeared in numerous radial and TV shows, including CNN Español, NPR, NBC, and Univisión.

Ligia obtained her B.A. from the University of Miami in Psychology and Religious Studies and a Masters Degree in Religious Studies and Gerontology from Florida International University. She also has a graduate certificate in Loss and Healing from St. Thomas University, a certificate in Thanatology and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Grief Counseling. She is also adjunct professor of Kaplan University, Florida International University, and Miami Dade College where she teaches courses on Ethics, Religion and Death and Dying.Ligia is the author of the self-help book Transform your Loss. Your Guide to Strength and Hope/ This book contains "The Eleven Principles of Transformation™" which is a system that involves the emotional, spiritual, and cognitive aspects of the person as they face a transition or loss. Ligia created this system of transformation to help people transform their losses and change their lives.