Beautiful eyes attract everyone. They let everybody forget your age. However, it is hard to maintain the beauty of your eyes with drooping eyelids. With age, skin’s elasticity decreases. This makes it sag. Further aggravating the problem is pull of gravity. Reduced elasticity and gravity work together to pull the excess skin and let it collect on your upper and lower eyelids.

For some people, drooping eyelids become such a nuisance that they obstruct vision. The extra fold of skin hangs over eyelashes. It looks unattractive too and may give you a weird look.

The solution: Eyelid lift surgery in Baltimore

What’s this actually? It is technically called blepharoplasty or an eye lift.

Objective: It removes the extra fold of skin from the upper eyelids and bagginess from your lower eyelids. As a result, it improves your vision by tackling the issue of sagging or drooping eyelids.

End result: Your eyes appear bigger and brighter, as the extra skin that hid your eyes is gone. Your eyes regain their beautiful, youthful appearance.

What it does not do?
Eyelid lift surgery in Baltimore is, in no case, a solution for dark circles, crow’s feet, and fine lines under eyes. These are altogether different cases of aging .

To tackle these signs of aging , you must undergo procedures likes wrinkle filler injections, laser resurfacing, botox, and others.

Is eyelid lift surgery in MD a cosmetic surgery? Yes.

Who are good candidates for an eye lift?
Overall healthy people with sane expectations pose as good candidates for this surgery. Mostly, 35+ people need this surgery. In some cases, where droopy eyelids run in the family , candidates could be younger in age.

Talking of sane expectations, you must not expect that eyelid lift surgery in Baltimore will change your basic facial features. Nor will it give you bigger eyes. It is meant only to highlight your present facial features, especially your eyes that are getting hidden due to extra skin on eyelids.

When eyelids droop, so does your confidence. An eye lift procedure can restore your confidence and the beauty of your eyes.

What about anesthesia? Generally, eyelid lift surgery in MD is done under local anesthesia, which means only the area around the eyes is numbed. You may also be given intravenous or oral sedatives. You may feel some discomfort or tugging during the surgery, but overall you will not feel pain.

Some surgeons use general anesthesia so that you sleep throughout the surgery. It depends on the surgeon and your case.

How long is an eye lift procedure? It takes 1-3 hours in normal cases. Those who wish to correct all the four eyelids will need to spend more time on the surgery table. In this case, the surgeon usually works on upper lids first and then moves to lower eyelids.

You must always discuss all the pros and cons with the surgeon before saying the final “yes” to eyelid lift surgery in Md. Before that, make sure you are talking with the right surgeon. They should be highly qualified, competent, and experienced.

Author's Bio: is the best place to know about eyelid lift surgery in Baltimore. Schedule an initial consultation for eyelid lift surgery in MD by visiting the site.