Time stress. There is time to do the needful. Be at Peace .
There is time for Peace . During the Holidays, the stress of trying to do everything on your list can cause you to miss the best part. Being with the people you love.
Be at peace .
One day when I was particularly overwhelmed and anxious about what I was supposed to do, I received the guidance to go out and sit on my patio. The sun was shining warm on my face, the birds where singing a symphony. A gentle breeze caressed my check. And the angels gave me this most wonderful blessing of love. Receive their affirmation of love deeply and repeat after me:
Time is on my side….
Take Time for Peace . This is one of the BE – Attitudes. Be at Peace. Free from stress or worry.
Want more? Buy the Be-Attitudes and the Embrace of Grace now and you’ll receive many gifts from my incredible friends and a free teleseminar with me! Visit http://www.gatherinsight.com/shop/books/3144.html to get your copy. And send one to a friend as your gift of love.
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