I have a few questions for you to consider.

Do you have the potential to be a nicer person?
Do you have the potential to have more fun in your life?
Do you have the potential to make more money?
Do you have the potential to grow your business?
Do you have the potential to have more time off this summer to enjoy all that life has to offer?
Do you have the potential to get out of the rut you're in?

The answer, for each of us, is Yes! If that's the case, then what's holding you back? Research shows that there are 4 major barriers to living a happy life: Habits, Attitudes, Beliefs and Expectations. From my professional experience as a Life coach, I would add 3 more to that list: Ego, Emotion and Control.

I want to address the first barrier: Habits! We all have them! And it's not that habits are good or bad; it's simply a matter of whether or not your habits are moving you closer to your goals or taking you away from them.

Many of us live a life of routine. And that's ok! We need some routine in our lives; that provides stability. However, when that routine changes, in a major way such as Retirement , you need to examine some of your daily habits and determine whether or not they will serve you well as you move into a new lifestyle. Habits can easily get in the way of our happiness ! And that's all we really want in life, is to be happy.

This applies to our routine in the summer, as well. Summer is when the 'living is easy' and we tend to slow down a bit. Time flies, as you know! Get in the habit of living your life by intent, whether you are retiring or simply planning some fun for the summer.

Don't be the one, in September, who is bemoaning the passing of summer. Take charge of your life! If not you, then who? If not now, then when?

Steps2happiness assignment:

Plan 10-15 minutes this weekend, find a quiet spot, sit down and begin to give some thought to your life (if retiring) and/or to your summer.

What do you want it to look like? To feel like? To sound like? (more laughter, perhaps?)

Discuss this with your family , and plan some happy times for the next few months… something that will make your toes curl and gets you up in the morning thinking "I can hardly wait…"!

Take time to celebrate you and the people around you. Don't take them for granted and assume they 'will always be there'.

Don't worry; be happy! Have fun!

Pat Mussieux, Founder www.steps2happiness.com

Author's Bio: 

Pat Mussieux is your Mindset-to-Happiness Mentor! She is an author, mindset coach, goal-setting expert, motivational speaker and...very happy person!