Everyone has some particular personal knowledge to inform from their child-rearing days. They want to be sure you benefit from their experience. That is not bad. Just listen carefully; some of what they say is not appropriate for today.

Many people continue to use vasoline petroleum jelly for a variety of baby care needs. Honestly, it did not kill us. But we know more about petroleum products now than we did when many of my siblings were babies. Today petro products are not often recommended for baby care. Your baby's skin is still developing. You can find many more gentle products available for natural baby care.

If you are a new parent and have never held a baby before, be gentle. Give your baby support from top to bottom. Your baby's neck muscles are not strong enough to support the weight of her own head yet, so do not let her head fall back. You can ask the health care people at the hospital to coach you so you are not yanking the infant around by arms or feet by default.

NEVER shake a baby. Even if you are frustrated because your baby will not stop crying. Especially in situations like that! Shaking your baby results in giving its brain a bashing on the inside of its skull. That can cause short or long term damage depending on how badly the infant was injured. Besides, it will hurt your baby and major crying will follow, so it is self-defeating too. It is considered a form of child endangerment today. That is obviously not good baby care.

Perhaps the best health and baby care tips I can offer are to provide a safe environment for your infant, remember they wiggle and squirm. Be sure there is food, water and shelter from the blazing sun for her. Hold your baby as much as possible and provide necessary hygiene when you are cleaning up her wastes. Give your baby love and gentle care and these basics and you have a great foundation for building sensible and strong baby health care practices into your life.

Here are some Baby care accessories that relate to the safety of the baby are:
Baby Safety Video Monitor or Cam
Baby safety crib
Baby Staircase Access Blocker
Baby Strollers
Baby Chair

Baby Instant care accessories that relate to the health of the baby are:
Thermometer or baby wireless thermometer
Parental heart listener
Duck Bath thermometer, elephant bath thermometer or the hippo bath thermometer
Teddy bear digital thermometer or a ear thermometer

With these baby care accessories, parents have less of a worry during the time their babies are under child care while they are busy at work, as they know the health and safety of their babies are well taken care of while their babies are not under their direct supervision.

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