Attention, deficit hyperactivity disorder is a developmental disorder said to begin in childhood and last for one's lifetime. It is called Attention Deficit because it makes people ignore what they should be paying attention to, and deficit because it seems nearly impossible for some individuals to stay focused on things around them. Hyperactivity means the person with this disorder is overly active, so much so that their physical actions often cause problems for themselves and those around them. Some people with ADHD can't sit still, while others are hyper-focused on things that generally wouldn't captivate the attention of other individuals. A Farmers Branch ADHD specialist can help you manage the condition to have a relatively everyday life.

Symptoms of ADHD

The symptoms of ADHD usually appear when the person is a child, and if medication and treatment aren't used to control these symptoms, they can continue into adulthood. Some of the most common signs that an individual might have ADHD include:

  • Difficulty paying attention in class or otherwise
  • Difficulty sitting still
  • Problems with following instructions
  • Inability to stay organized and keep belongings in order
  • Frequently losing or misplacing things
  • Hyper-focusing on a tiny thing but having a hard time seeing the "big picture" of anything else

ADHD can cause problems for children as they grow up, and it can also cause problems for adults as they age. These issues often evolve through the years but typically manifest themselves in early childhood and then into adulthood.

Adults with ADHD will start having difficulties at work and home because of their inability to pay attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. It can cause problems in relationships because of the lack of attention paid to other people and over-focusing on one thing at a time. ADHD causes many behaviors, and many individuals with ADHD also have issues with depression or anxiety , making it more difficult to tolerate their symptoms.

Diagnosing ADHD

ADHD is diagnosed with a thorough medical history and an ADHD test to measure the symptoms listed above. An experienced ADHD specialist will ask the patient questions about their background, any issues they've had since childhood, or anything that might be causing them problems at work or school. Many people have never been diagnosed with ADHD before finding out that they have it or are causing them problems in their daily lives.

Treatment for ADHD

There are many types of treatments available to help control the symptoms of ADHD, including medication and therapy sessions. Some individuals have difficulty tolerating the side effects of medication, so their ADHD specialist will work with them to find an alternative form of treatment. These might include dietary changes or physical exercise , for example. Therapy can be helpful, but it varies case by case depending on the severity of the patient's symptoms and how tolerant they are to different changes in their lives.

In summary, ADHD is a developmental disorder said to begin in childhood and last for one's lifetime. It causes symptoms such as difficulty paying attention, trouble following instructions, and inability to stay organized. Diagnosis involves a thorough medical history check and an ADHD test. Treatment involves medication and therapy.

Author's Bio: 

Parker shown is a full time blogger and can be contacted at