If you or anyone in your family has recently been diagnosed with asthma, well here are a few things you need to know, because just like most conditions asthma requires you to change some of your habits and way of life. According to professionals there are things that could be done around in your home that will relieve the symptoms, however before that you should really have some idea what asthma is all about.

In short, asthma usually affects the small airways i.e. the ones that carry air in and out of your lungs, causing them to become inflamed, obstructed or swollen. It is usually associated with chest pains and tightness, shortness of breath, irritating cough and asthma attacks. Unfortunately asthma cannot be cured – its symptoms could only be relieved by medication (inhalers), or by your way of life. It is difficult to cure asthma because it is a result of complex interaction between genes and environmental factors.

You might be genetically predisposed, but to never get sick if the environment in which you live is healthy and safe.So, if you have been diagnosed with asthma, there are things you could do in order to make your environment better and more appropriate for your condition.

1.Air filtration. Air filtration is important if you have asthma. Research shows that the air indoors is around 200% more polluted than the air outside. Open the windows often – but not during pollen season, or if you have allergies. Instead use air filters or air conditioners.

2.Vacuum clean at least once a week – everywhere, if not more often. Vacuum cleaning the carpets, upholstery and the mattress is crucial as it eliminates dust mites which are found to cause asthma on the first place.

3. Reduce humidity at home. It is important because humid air not only irritates your airways causing you to cough and wheeze, but provides the environment necessary for dust mites to live and reproduce freely and that’s not something you might want.

There is of course more that you could do, but these three steps are the most important of all. If you have a larger house, or big family you might also want an occasional deep cleaning provided by professional cleaners Bentleigh in order to make sure that even the darkest corners of your home are dust free and spotless.

Author's Bio: 

The information gathered for the purpose of this article has been carefully researched and the tips have been approved by professional cleaning North Melbourne services.