While various combinations of interpersonal skills, focus and commitment have been proven to accelerate the relationship building process, they can only be effective if we understand how we currently operate and how we currently think. How we think impacts what we do in relationship. Albert Einstein said, “The world that we have made as a result of the level of thinking we have done thus far creates problems that we cannot solve at the same level of thinking at which we created them."

This strategy emphasizes the importance of fostering an attitude of mind toward building solid long lasting relationships with others. We also focus on the foundational principle of commitment to a relationship approach, providing descriptions to help you see where you are and where you would like to be. Following is an assessment to help reveal your level of relationship skills based on your current mindset.

Assessing your Relationship Mindset

1. I listen intently to another person.Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

2. I deeply care about others personal happiness outside of my own.
Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

3. I work toward mutually rewarding outcomes when working on a project with another.Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

4. I know what is important to me and focus my intention toward meeting the
individuals that align with my vision.
Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

5. I try and build relationships when I experience a connection and mutuality
for short term and long term objectives.
Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

6. I focus on developing relationships over time that meet long term goals and objectives. Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

7. I often make the most of the relationships I develop by determining what is important to the other as well to myself.Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

8. I look for opportunities to start a relationship as often as I can.Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

9. I trust my instincts and take the initiative in meeting new people in multiple ways. Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

10. I seek productive and creative ways to relationship satisfaction.Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

11. I link one relationship to another.Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

12. I keep my relationship building philosophy consistent.Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

13. I am willing to be vulnerableUsually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

14. I inform others when the relationship is trending negatively, or when we have difficult issues to discuss.Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

15. I develop a plan of action in building my relationships and finding support.Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

16. I obtain agreement for the joint actions discussed to minimize confusion about expectations.Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

17. I work with and develop teams of people to move projects to completion.Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

18. I am careful to avoid unfulfilled expectations of others, and talk about how projects are going.Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

19. I seek opportunities to reward, celebrate and encourage relationships.Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

20. I make sure that each interaction is working toward a triple win outcome.Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

21. I anticipate where conflict may arise, and plan how to respond through a conflict resolution mindset.
Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

22. I share my knowledge, information and resources with others freely.Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

23. When I feel defensive, I identify my feelings and respond in a way that is authentic while proactively looking for a bridge to the other.Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

24. I enjoy meeting both like-minded people and people who think differently than I do.Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

25. My behavior is flexible
Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

26. My behavior is highly adaptable to people’s needs.
Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

27. I encourage people to speak their minds openly and to share their concerns.Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

28. I have good follow-up measures in place, encouraging ongoing feedback.Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

29. I focus on delivering my best effort.Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

30. I believe in developing quality relationships.Usually [ ] Frequently [ ] Sometimes [ ] Rarely [ ]

Key: Assign point breakdowns as follows: Usually: 4 points each; Frequently: 3 points each; Sometimes: 2 points each; Rarely: 1 point each

After completing this self-assessment, add your total score to determine your mindset level. Regardless of your level, it is important to remember that we can always improve.

28-55: You are under-utilizing your relationship mindset. Strengthen your mindset by seizing every opportunity to practice relationship strategies.

56-78: You understand what it takes to build strong relationships with others. Keep strengthening your mindset and continue to seek to support the efforts of others.

79-91: You are a natural at creating relationships with others. Remember that relationships are always changing. Continue to better understand the changes that others go through and assess current needs and opportunities.

92-100: You have taken your relationship mindset to an extraordinary level.Total possible score is: 100 points

The above excerpt is taken form the book – The Power is in the Connection that outlines 15 business relationship building strategies.

Author's Bio: 

Ron Sukenick is the Chief Relationship Officer and founder of the Relationship Strategies Institute, a training and Relationship development company that provides innovative, effective and relevant programs and systems for corporations, organizations, and associations. To learn more about the value of Relationship Development, visit his Web site at www.RelationshipStrategiesInstitute.com . You can reach Ron by phone at: 317-696-1367, or by email rs@ronsukenick.com