In my previous article 4 Ways to Your Blog Success, I touched on a few basics on making a good blog. Now let's talk about article writing. Articles are a great way to position yourself as an expert in your field. If you provide great value and once people see it, you'll be able to sell without selling, whether it is your products, services, or recruiting members into your MLM.

What to Write About?

That's what many of you may wonder. You have to first have an idea for an article. So what can you write about? Start with what you already know. Think of subjects that are relevant to your field. Share your knowledge, opinions, or observations. Find out what other experts in your field are writing about. If you have absolutely no idea, it is probably a good time to learn something. Don't be afraid to express your opinions. You will gain audience who resonate with your style and find value, and that is the purpose.

Use Bold Headings

Make three to four headings for your subject, and write a paragraph or two for each. If you can do that, you have an article. People like bold and numbered headings and bullet points because they can quickly scan them and see if they want to read the whole article. Headings provide points of reference and make your articles look more organized. Make it as easy as possible for visitors to read.

Keep it Brief

People have short attention span. Long articles, especially with no headings, are not inviting to read. Keep it to the point with just enough information to deliver your message. If it becomes too long, consider splitting it into more than one article. I usually try to keep mine within approx. 500 words.

Give it a Good Title

If you are new to writing, you may want to study some copy writing. In general, how-to's (i.e., How to Make Money in MLM), specific numbers (i.e., 10 Secrets to Sponsoring 25 Reps in 30 Days), and asking questions (i.e., Are You Generating Free Leads?) are always good. Think of something catchy, intriguing, even shocking or controversial, but make sure to deliver on the content.

Good Content

The bottom line is the good content. For promotional purposes, it would be best if you can tie it into what you do or sell, but don't be too obvious and don't do it too often. Providing value is the key. It takes time to build content, but it becomes your asset. If you know how to market it, not only will it continue to bring traffic and leads long after you've written it, it will establish your online presence. That's quite powerful.

To learn more about article writing, continue reading below.

Author's Bio: 

Learn more about Article Writing and receive Free Internet Marketing Training Ellie Yamane is a MLM coach and a marketing expert.