Natural ways (such as breathing) of prevention and cure are better than any treatment. As with anything natural, it has no side effect. Almost every person, sometime in life, suffers from minor/major health problems. Proper breathing is very simple & easiest tip to cure any disease. Breathing is the only thing which you can do either consciously or unconsciously. You just need to learn how to breathe correctly. To achieve maximum benefit each breath should be performed correctly. For this you need to practice ‘doing it right’ so that it becomes natural to you.

We get energy only from proper breathing. It gives energy to the whole body. It can develop mysterious energy that we have within ourselves. To sustain human life breathing is the most necessary requirement. One can go days without water and weeks without food but only for minutes without breathing. An average person breathes with less than half of the available lung capacity.

This technique is so powerful that physicians....Read More

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