Sometimes we get so caught up trimming our bellies and our thighs that we forget our arms. A bit of extra fat on our arms may not mean so much, but well-toned triceps can really spell the difference between creating an average look to one that makes heads turn. For sexier arms, try doing these home arm workout routines three times a week.

These triceps-toning exercises will require some stretch bands. They're less than $20 and come in various elasticity levels. Aside from being very versatile, these stretch bands can be packed and taken with you anywhere you go and can be used to work out not only the arms but your chest, back and legs as well.

The first arm toning exercise is the overhead triceps extension. Cut two feet of stretch bands from the entire roll. Begin holding one end of the stretch band with your right hand and the other end in your left. Still holding the band, place your right hand behind your head and position your left hand just above your butt, in the center of your spine. Make sure that the stretch band is kept taut between both hands. With your right elbow high in the air and your left hand still anchored near your butt, begin the triceps extension. Straighten your right arm and gradually bring it back down to the starting position. Perform at least 15 repetitions of the extension. Once you're done with your right arm, switch grips so now your left hand is now behind your head and your right is kept steady slightly above your butt. Do the triceps extensions with your left hand this time, again for 15 repetitions. Work your way up to more repetitions as you get more used to the exercise, ensuring that your wrist is straight the whole time. If you want to add more intensity to your workout, use stiffer resistance bands.

Another effective triceps-toning exercise that you can do at home are triangle push-ups. The starting position is similar to any other regular push up, with your torso forming a straight line with your leg. Drop your hips and keep your abs tight. However, instead of just dropping your hands shoulder-width apart, put your hands under your chest, forming a triangle with your thumbs and forefingers. Make sure that your elbows are pointed behind you. Then slowly lower yourself until your nose is almost touching the floor before pushing yourself back up. Don't look up so your neck is always aligned with your spine. Do 10 reps and gradually increase your number as you get used to the exercise .

You can also try another stretch band exercise by wrapping the band around a pole at the same level as your chest. Hold one end in each hand. Slowly, lean forward such you’re your upper body is at a 45-degree angle to the floor. Keep your abs tight and your back flat. Then bend your elbows, but keep them closely at your sides. Gradually straighten your arms behind you, ensuring that they are at the same level as your torso. Your upper arms shouldn't move around. Do 10 reps if you can.

Check out our full Bodylastic reviews and learn how Bodylastics bands can help you get ripped without weights.

Author's Bio: 

Happily married father of three, fitness nut, and former professional bodybuilder.