When you have made that decision to visit a vasectomy clinic and talk to a doctor about having a vasectomy, you can expect to have a physical examination, discuss your medical history and discuss the process of a vasectomy and the vasectomy care that is needed after the procedure. Some doctors will want you to stop taking blood thinners or any anti-inflammatory medications before you go to a vasectomy clinic to have the procedure done. As well, before you go for the procedure you will be told to have a driver to bring you to and from, to wear comfortable clothing and to take any medications the doctor has prescribed for you before the procedure.

Once you arrive at the vasectomy clinic for your procedure, you will be given a local anaesthesia so the area will be numb. One of three procedures will be given to you after you and the doctor decide which is best for you.

There is the conventional approach procedure in which a cut is made directly into the skin on the sides of the scrotum. Through the openings that have been cut, the vas deferens will be pulled out so that the tubes can be cut and partially removed. The ends are then stitched, clipped or sealed with an electrical pulse. Next the vas deferens goes back in the scrotum and the cut is closed up with stitches.

The no scalpel procedure is when the vas deferens is found under the scrotum skin and clamped to hold it. A special medical tool then pushes a hole through the skin and the vas deferens pulled through, the tubes cut and then sealed back. No stitches would be required with this procedure.

With the Vas clip vasectomy the vas deferens can have clips placed on them and cinched and the clips will block the sperm.

The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes and the anaesthesia will prevent any pain while the procedure is being done. Pain medications can be given after the procedure and this will be discussed with you during the after vasectomy care procedures by the doctor or nurse at the vasectomy clinic .

Once you are home, there are things you can do to make sure you have a good recovery. Applying ice packs for the first eight hours or so off and on will help with swelling. You should wait to take a shower until the day after the procedure and keep the procedure area very dry and clean. The incisions should be kept covered with nice, clean gauze for at least three days. Sometimes antibiotics are given as a precaution after the procedure and if so, take them all. You should not be involved in sports for about three weeks and should not be lifting or moving any heavy things for about three weeks. If you find that the bleeding from the incision is excessive you should contact your doctor and follow his instructions.

Having a vasectomy is a lifelong decision and you must think long and hard about the process before you make the decision to have one. If you are sure you want no children or any more children in your life, a vasectomy is a quick and painless procedure to go through to ensure you won’t have children.

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When you have made that decision to visit a vasectomy clinic and talk to a doctor about having a vasectomy , you can expect to have a physical examination, discuss your medical history and discuss the process of a vasectomy and the vasectomy care that is needed after the procedure.