Estrogen dominance has become a significant health problem, for both men and women.
Many woman have learnt to read the signs of hormone imbalance, but what about Oestrogen dominance.
The signs, the symptoms if you are actually suffering from this and what can you do to resume hormone balance and how to prevent it in the first place.
This simple protocol I have for you will help to restore and also prevent this problem.
What are the Signs and Symptoms
(1) Abnormal menstrual periods leading to infertility
(2) PMS problems such as: excruciating breast tenderness/swelling, mood swings, irritable, losing temper easily with no valid reason and headaches.
(3) Decreased libido – There is more to your libido than meets the eye:
Did you know sex hormones are also responsible for regulating your immune system the most?
•Your immune system is designed to be one of your first lines of defense against disease.
•Today’s lifestyles of not taking time to rest and relax.
•Indulging in negative habits
such as excessive drinking, smoking, prescribed, over-the-counter and illegal drugs.
•The increased consumption of processed foods, not getting enough sleep and the decline in exercise
and physical activity. All has a detrimental effect to your sex hormones and immune system.
(4) Fatigue – That is unexplained and consistent even after getting plenty of sleep.
(5) Difficulty thinking, your brain feels foggy.
(6) Unexplained hair loss
(7) Thyroid problems – This can be indicated with energy or sudden weight changes.
(8) Unexplained weight gain. This is mainly around your hips, stomach and diaphragm.
(9) Trouble sleeping – either trouble getting to sleep or waking more than 2 to 3 times per night for no apparent reason.
(10) Metabolism has become sluggish, feeling bloated.
So What Can You Do?
(1) Remove Xenoestrogens – Xenoestrogens these are dangerous and harmful chemicals that have entered our day to day living. Xenoestrogens mimic estrogen in the body. You are bombarded by them every day, so is it any wonder why so many people are suffering from estrogen dominance. Here are some of your top offenders that need to be eliminated from your daily living:Many of your processed foods that have additives and colourings including milk and many of the packaged cheeses. Tap water, cans, contraceptive pill and soy protein isolate just to name a few.
Plastic water and drink bottles, plastic products such as Tupperware, especially when foods are cooked or stored in these plastic products it releases the chemical toxicity from them into the food or drink. Polyurethane containers, Cosmetics, Makeup and many toiletries. Such as panty liners, tampons and deodorants.
(2) Improve your bowel and kidney function: Yes your processes of eliminating toxic chemicals from your body. If you’re chronically constipated? Then estrogen isn’t going to be eliminated from your body. It will quite simply re-enter your bloodstream and circulate throughout your body. Being the precursor to serious health problems. It is vitally important that you improve your bowel and kidney function with diet and drinking filtered water.
Here are some tips to improve your bowel and kidney function
•Drink 2-3L of filtered water per day
•Each morning on awakening squeeze one lemon add
filtered boiling water and sip slowly.
••Increase your daily intake of vegetables, having three quarters of your dinner plate of vegetables
••Include probiotic foods and drinks such as Kombucha, Kimchi, Sauerkraut, Miso, Kefir, Plain organic yogurt and tempeh.
••Enjoy a daily smoothie with berries, greens, berries and fiber.
•This is going to be far more beneficial than taking supplements for detoxification as this is going to support effective detoxification and slowly where your body is able to cope. Taking supplements to detox can often make you quite sick.
(3) Support successful detoxification of all your body’s systems, It is essential to do these things:
•Breathe deep into your lungs from your belly, this supports detoxification of your lungs.
•Have Professional massage
treatments, these will improve the flow of lymph therefore helping to reduce any oedema or bloatedness.
• Exercise
daily where the activity has you working up a sweat. Go for a sauna or just having regular baths say 2 – 3 times per week with a cup of Epsom salts will assist the elimination through your skin. Your largest organ of detoxification.
•Skin Brushing is also helpful for improving the flow of lymph as well as removing dead skin cells allowing for faster regeneration of new cells.
Empowering You to Optimal Health Julie Doherty N.D
Julie Doherty N.D is a visionary pioneer and a Recognized World Health Leader in the field of Naturopathic Medicine
This being understanding the elements of mind, thinking and emotional health the connections with our physical health. Understanding of the inner connection of mind, body and spirit – Your True Internal Strength.
Dr Julie is well known for her empowering approach to men, women and children’s health. The true essence in not only becoming well but staying well. Dr. Julie teaches each person how to thrive through every stage of life