Feeling overwhelmed yet? I know I am at times, so whenever I’m intuiting something that’s troublesome, I imagine you may be as well. With that said, I often do research to find possible solutions – solutions that aren’t only physical, but also spiritual, which can aid us in our day-to-day lives.

With the economy, the way it is,

C19 (which I’m recovering from), our many tasks at work and also home, kids and family responsibilities, the struggles with the government mandates, war – the lists are absolutely endless! It’s no wonder we’re overwhelmed most of the time.

While I’m not a licensed mental health practitioner, I do want to offer you ideas that may help you pinpoint where you’re off-track as well as offer you potential assistance. As I stated, I did my homework on combatting overwhelm and found some solid practices that may be of help.

The first step in combatting the overwhelm is actually recognizing the symptoms!

*Feeling as though you’re losing control of your life
* Anxiety
*Finding yourself complaining a lot or looking at most things negatively
*Feeling as though you’re always rushed and stressed about it
*Difficulty in finding clarity or lack of ability in decision making

Here are some possible steps to take to reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed.

*Move your body. Exercise , go for a walk, get some fresh air, practice yoga , etc. Make yourself set even 5-10 minutes side for this important actionable step.
*Remove yourself from the situation
*If you’re overwhelmed with “to-do’s” make yourself a list, then prioritize it. You may be surprised at the tasks you can delegate.
*Until you feel back on even ground, stop volunteering , don’t say yes unless you’re passionate about a new commitment.
*Let some plans take a back seat until the next season or year.
*Break larger tasks that seem insurmountable and overwhelming into smaller, manageable tasks.
*Make sure to get enough sleep!
*Learn to meditate! Your mind is a power tool – use it! If you’re new to meditation I recommend listening to a guided meditation . You can find loads on YouTube, but here are a few titles to get you started on your search...
*10-Minute Meditation for Stress
*8-Minute Stress Relief Guided Meditation
*5-Minute Mini Relaxation Meditation (On my YouTube channel)

In all things, be kind to yourself, and cut yourself some slack. You have the ability to take off your Superman or Wonder Woman cape – give yourself permission to do so when it’s necessary.

Author's Bio: 

Experiencing paranormal and spiritual phenomenon for more than five decades, Lisa began seeing spirit at the young age of four years. Around the age of six, Lisa knew there was more to this world than what we see in the here and now. Information was imparted to Lisa about living multiple lifetimes and thus began her deeper understanding of the spiritual realm, reincarnation, and the possibility of communication with those in-between lives.

Today, Lisa’s communication with departed loved ones and ancestors have touched thousands of people worldwide. Lisa is a Survival Evidence Medium, meaning she is able to bridge the gap between that of the living and the dead by providing evidential proof of life after death via detailed messages and proven facts.

Lisa’s written works have been featured on websites, in print magazines, and her own personal blog. Her first book, The Lessons of Jesus Christ, was published in 2013. The Visible Energy Around Us: A 4 Week Guide to Reading the Aura was published in 2014. Two more books are in the works; From His Lips: 365 Daily Devotions from Jesus Christ and Tracking; Following Your Loved One’s Passage to Heaven.

Lisa has made appearances on television and radio, hosted her own shows on CBS and Blog Talk Radio, and won the American 2014 Best Psychic award. Lisa works with various law enforcement agencies throughout the country as an advisor on missing persons and criminal cases, teaches spiritual development classes, inspirationally speaks, and holds public Spirit Galleries nationwide. Lisa is a certified Spiritualist Healer, Reiki Master, Certified Spiritualist Medium, Certified Psychic Medium, Ordained Spiritualist Minister, Ordained Metaphysical Minister, and currently holds a Bachelor’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences from The University of Sedona.

Lisa also presents at a multitude of Spiritual, Metaphysical, and Consciousness events. Her sense of humor, as well as her vast knowledge of the subject matter, make her an internationally sought-after speaker, presenter, and instructor.

• Body-Mind-Spirit-Festival
• Your Spiritness Expo
• Holistic Wellness & Psychic Fair
• Michigan Mind Body Spirit Expo
• Universal Light Expo
• The Awake & Empowered Expo
• The Afterlife Awareness Expo
• CBS Radio Host
• The Woman’s Everywhere Expo
• Blog Talk Radio Host
• The Body, Mind, Spirit Expo
• The World of One Expo
• Healing Body & Spirit Expo Psychic Fair
• Intuitives Interactive Holistic & Psychic Expo
• Lily Dale Assembly