Recently I have been talking and teaching some of the basic parameters of the ‘ Law of Attraction ’ or could be called ‘what persists exists’. While I know that I am a constant work in progress – it is important to me to hand hold and be a guide to helping people become more and more responsible for where they are actually at right here and right now.

I want to quote from one of my favourite sources – the writings of Abraham-Hicks…

“You cannot notice what-is and complain about it, and be a vibrational match to the solution. When you were living the problem, you were asking for the solution, and Source said yes immediately. So, there's never a reason for you to be wallowing around in a problem for more than about a second? You can get so good at this that before you're even aware that the problem has gotten started, you've already got the solution under way.”

Now I realise that some problems feel like they are insurmountable (because I have lived through that feeling) but it is actually a fact that if you can allow yourself to be in a place of receiving, allowing and acknowledging the gift – these gifts are actually ALWAYS for your highest good even if it is really hard to see that at the actual moment of the struggle.

You know, many years ago I felt stuck in my life situation – I was angry a lot of the time – felt hard done to and victimized by my life story and when I started to work through some of the heart ache, angst and buried anger – it was so amazing to me how quickly and profoundly my own viewpoint shifted… This is my life, designed for me – by me.

Something that I have become particularly passionate about is to allow in whatever way appropriate or necessary to help people to ease into alignment (will talk more about that over the next few months – as I am developing a support program).

What I have come to recognize is that in order to push forward, it is very important for you to recognize what is – where you are at this moment and in whatever way you can – learn to love yourself unconditionally – warts and all right now. If you wait until you have the perfect relationship, perfect career, perfect level of income before you can start to feel loving or accepting of your own self – you likely won’t get there.

So – even when you feel yourself worrying or stuck in any form of negativity – I invite you to allow that to flow and allow the solutions to start flowing. In actual fact, in order for a problem to exist – the solution also exists… your job is to SEE it.

Author's Bio: 

Moira Hutchison is a Health & Wellness Practitioner... a Life Coach, Hypnotherapist and Light Worker. Essentially what she does is to help others in any way she can to allow them to find peace, joy and calmness in personal change and challenge.

For more information on her services, please visit:-