A growing trend
It would seem that nowadays everyone is talking about human growth hormone supplements. There’s an incredible amount of hype surrounding the substance, and many believe mankind has finally found a way to defeat the ravages of time. However, all may not be as pink as it seems. Marketers promote their products at a frantic rate, and it would seem that the benefits of HGH supplements are quite spectacular. But as with any other drug, there is a dark side.

Human Growth Hormone 101
A lot of people confuse HGH for steroids. That could not be further away from the truth. In fact, HGH is a natural substance produced by your pituitary gland. It stimulates growth and the regeneration of cells. It can be confused with steroids because both substances can cause your muscles to grow, but in fact they are as different from each other as fire is from water. The problem is that the body starts to produce less and less hormone as you grow older, and this is why people just can’t wait to buy the top HGH supplements. However, even the best HGH supplements can have terrible effects if taken irresponsibly.

The dark side
As you all know, every coin has two sides. Synthetic human growth hormone supplements have caused a high number in side effects. Subjects have reported bloating, headaches, muscle pain, swelling in the arms, high blood pressure and even arthritis symptoms. That’s why it is always better to consult a doctor before taking any human growth hormone supplements. Also, if a physician does think you can take human growth hormone supplements, make sure you never take more than the prescribed dose. Studies have shown that those who take too much of the stuff are more predisposed to side effects and the effects themselves are far more terrible in nature.

The good part
Even though they have some nasty side effects, human growth hormone supplements have also proven their worth. They can strengthen a person’s bones and increase their muscle mass, without the terrible effects of steroids. Also, those who benefited from the treatment revealed feeling better just moments after the first dose. There is no doubt that HGH is an awesome substance, but there is still a long way until it can become a fountain of youth. Sure, it might slow down the effects of aging , but it will not stop them altogether.

Author's Bio: 

An increasing number of people are talking about HGH supplements like they are the portal to life everlasting. Read more to find out if this fact about growth hormone supplements .